How am I going to tell my dad?

Submitted into Contest #238 in response to: Write a story including the line “I can’t say it.”... view prompt


Coming of Age Friendship High School

She woke to the noise of her mother setting up the toys for her day of childminding. Her eyes remained closed as they remained heavy, almost un-openable. She did open them and clearly saw it was time to get up for school. She had no desire to go. She heard her little brother playing in the next room, he was talking to himself, pretending. 

His older brother, who shared the room, told him. 

"You going to shut up, I'm trying to sleep." 

Her little brother just ignored him and continued to play. She swung her legs out of bed, feeling the cold air of the winter morning on her legs. 

"Nope," she said, "...not ready yet. Another five minutes." 

A few minutes later she heard her dad calling upstairs. 

"Time to get up kids, for school. Up and at 'em!" 

She swung her legs round again, the air now not as cold. She stood up and then she sat back down falling back into bed but on top of the covers. 

"Nope," she said, "...not ready yet. Another five minutes." 

She heard her brothers bedroom door open and her little brother clattering downstairs, there was no noise from her other brother. She felt tiredness grip her eyes closed. Next she knew, her dad barged in, as much as pushing the pile of dirty/clean clothes that blocked the door would allow barging. 

"Rouse, rouse, rouse. Time to move it and groove it." 

She cringed as he moved next door and repeated the process. She swung her legs for the third time, stood and stretched, yawning. She walked over to her wardrobe slowly feeling the softness of the clothes strewed on the floor, suddenly as she pressed the ball of her foot downwards, crack. She panicked, she knew what it was. She knelt, moving the clothes to the side revealing the truth. It was a Compact Disc. The silver splinters shimmered as the horror gripped her, it was her dads Compact Disc. The one she promised to take care of if he loaned it to her. 

She whispered under her breath, "How am I going to tell my dad?" 

She cleared it up, she cut her finger. After dressing she ran downstairs, grabbed an apple and her bag calling behind her. 

"I'm away!" 

The door slammed hard and the whole frame shuddered. 

At lunch she sat with her friends. 

"Are you really going out with him?" her friend asked. 

"Yes, why you asking?" 

Her friend threw up her hands. 

"You're too pretty for him, he's a big gorilla.You can do far better than him.Callum likes you" 

She screwed up her face, Callum was handsome but a sports freak, she hated sport. She never enjoyed sport, she was clumsy and had no hand to eye coordination. Her physical education teacher wouldn’t let her near the balls in case she hurt someone or herself. 

This made her laugh because she knew he was right. 

“He just broke up with his ex, there’s something not right, I just can’t say what.”

“I hear what you’re saying but….”

She opened her fizzy drink and it fizzed into a fountain covering them both in black sticky fluid. They screamed as they jumped to their feet and then laughed as they looked at each other speechless. She looked up and saw 'the gorilla' looking down at them from a first floor window. He's laughed but waved, she smiled coyly. Her friend caught the glances. 

"I kinda see the attraction but he's not one you would marry or anything." 

"Whoa, cool the beans. It's just a date." 

Her friend continued to shake her head. 

"You're too good for him?" 

Her friend paused. 

"Do you parents know?" 

Her eyes widened. 

"How am I going to tell my dad!" 

"I suppose." pondered her friend. 

"Your still coming to the party, right." 

"Too right!"

Later that night, after evening meal, she readied herself for the party. She had

washed her hair, looking in the mirror she pretended to be older, she tried to look real smooth.

There was a knock at the door, her dad called out. 

"Your friends here!" 

She grabbed her bag and stuffed in her party clothes, running downstairs. 

Her dad calling, "Don't be late home, call me if you are!" 

As they both walked down the street at a pace she saw the gorilla waiting for her at the corner. They all headed to the party. At the party everyone's eyes were on her and the gorilla, he had just broke up from his other girlfriend, she stood in the corner. If looks could kill they would have, she was marked. The night moved on, alcohol was available and drunk. The gorilla began to kiss her, it was nice until she felt a jolt at her shoulder, it was the ex. 

"I've had my fill. Listen you, take your hands from him." 

Her temper rose, she did not like being told what to do, her mean streak began to show. 

"Who do you think you are? I'm going out with him?" 

The anger rose, she dodged as the ex swiped a slap. Her nails caught her cheek causing blood to flow from a single scratch. Her temper snapped, she grabbed her hair and full on punched the ex in the face. Blood spurted from her nose, the ex ran holding her nose, screaming, crying. The room stood silent, the gorilla threw up his hands.  

"You are out of control!" 

He ran after the ex, both left. Moments after, the silence jolted into applause and cheers. 

"Well done, they both deserve each other." 

The party continued, she eventually noticed the time. It was midnight, two hours past her curfew. She walked home alone, drunk, dizzy, still feeling the euphoria of the fight and the hero worship. She felt the scratch on her cheek, she held her hand cupped to her mouth and breathed. She stank of alcohol. As she approached the house she could see the light still on, her father would still be up. No sneaking past, he'd smell the alcohol. 

"How am I going to tell my dad?"

February 16, 2024 19:13

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