Friendship Fiction

There was a table and a blackboard outside the front door. Written in chalk on the blackboard were the words “Order Here” with a big smiley face. Mike and his friend Shane looked around; the place seemed deserted. The small round metal tables and chairs were empty except for a young couple deeply absorbed in their computer tablets, ignoring the two paper cups with lids on the table in front of them. 

Coco Coffee sat in a newly opened mixed development, a glass fronted coffee shop situated below overpriced apartments, alongside a nail salon, a yoga studio and a gift store. Shane pressed his face to the glass. The interior was empty except for a mixture of overstuffed worn couches, low coffee tables and wooden chairs. The walls were decorated with what passes for modern art, abstract paint splashes, doodles and letters cut from magazines to make a montage.  A large coffee percolator and espresso machine rested on a counter against a glass mirror etched with leaves and coffee beans that reached to the ceiling.  From down a hallway off the front counter, he heard the sound of rattling crockery. Some moments later, a woman dressed in a black top and skirt, with heavily tattooed arms and purple streaked hair came down the hallway carrying a tray of cups. She glanced up at Mike and Shane.

“Be with you in just mo,” she said, as she laid out the cups on a shelf. After washing her hands, she headed to the table in the doorway.

“What would you like,” she asked.

“Is there a menu, we can look at?” Mike inquired.

 The barista walked back to the counter picked up a printed menu in a laminated cover and laid it on the front table.

Mike and Shane crouched down over the menu and squinted.

“What is the Katmandu Experience?” Shane asked

“That is espresso with mint sauce, tamarind and goat’s milk. It is one of our new Fall Specials, very popular with our yoga customers,” she said pointing to the yoga studio next door.

“Do you have something like a pumpkin spice latte?” Mike asked.

The barista screwed up her face, “No, but you may like our Coffee Pho with cilantro, lime and rice milk, that is another of our Fall Specials, very popular with the beauticians at the nail salon, pointing to her other neighbor.

“The Ottoman Delight, what’s in that?” Mike asked

“That has honey, cardamom and mint topped with yogurt served in a demitasse with espresso, it’s not one of our Fall Specials, but it is popular with cardiologists working the night shift over there in the hospital.” as she pointed to somewhere behind Mike and Shane.

“Do you have something a little simpler like a latte with cinnamon?” Shane asked

The barista thought for a while, looking at Mike and Shane smiling and gently nodding. “I don’t have cinnamon, but I can make you a latte with goat’s milk, cloves and ginger. Like cinnamon, cloves and ginger are known to have aphrodisiac properties. Maybe, I can add a little Red Ginseng and Nutmeg as well.” Raising her eyebrows in a knowing look. “Quite a few of the senior couples that live in these apartments tell me, it has added a new zest to their lives, if you know what I mean.”

“Good to know about that, but what we were looking for is latte with a seasonal feel. I will try the latte with cloves and ginger, but can you make it with regular whole milk,” Mike said.

“Same for me,” added Shane.

“Our coffees are made with goat’s milk, almond milk, oat milk or soy milk, which would you prefer. Cows are not environmentally friendly; they add a lot of methane and other greenhouse gases contributing to global warming. I am vegan myself.” she explained.

Mike and Shane looked at each other.

“I will try it with goat’s milk,” said Shane.

I will give the almond milk a try,” said Mike.

“What size would you like, we have twelve, sixteen and twenty ounces?” she asked picking up a tablet.

“Twelve” they replied in unison.

After paying the barista, Mike and Shane headed for a table near the yoga studio. Inside half a dozen women were in a class. Their bodies contorted into positions with the faint sound of music in the background.

“What was all this talk about aphrodisiacs?” Shane remarked as he sat down.

“I think, she thinks we’re gay, must be that new haircut you got.” Mike replied with a laugh.

“Aphrodisiac, some people will say anything”, Shane muttered, as he pulled out his phone to check for any messages.

A few minutes later, the barista brought their drinks to the table.

“Let me know what you think, if you like it, I might consider adding it to our Fall Specials,” as she placed their drinks on the table.

They sipped them softly.

“I like mine, very rich tasting. How’s yours Mike?” Shane said sounding surprised.

“Mine, is tasty too, sweet, but different, the cloves and ginger give a spicy flavor.” replied Mike.

For the next few minutes they drank quietly, then Shane looked up and over to the yoga studio.

“Mike, check out that woman in the black top with the long brown hair. What do you think?”

“She is gorgeous, so is the one with the short dark hair. you see her, the one with her leg behind her head.” Mike let out a long breath. “Now she is putting her other leg behind her head. How old do you think she is?”

“Hard to say, late twenties, maybe early thirties, she has taken care of herself.” replied Shane, taking a breath, he continued “The beauty with the long brown hair, see how gracefully she moves, long legs, she’s probably a dancer. There is a presence about her.”

They both fell silent, drinking their coffees watching the yoga class.

“Mike, remember how she said that coffee drink, the Katmandu Experience was popular with the yoga crowd,” Shane said quietly, “you think maybe it would be a bit too brazen, if I was to offer to buy her one.”

“Buy who Shane?” Mike whispered.

“The woman with the long brown hair, who do you think?” Shane whispered back

“OK, I thought you meant the one with the short dark hair.” Mike said with his hand partly over his mouth. “How do you plan to approach her Shane, just can’t walk up to her.”

“I have a plan, been thinking. They sell Coco Coffee gift cards here. I will go up to her and ask her if she would like a free one, it’s all part of a special promotion.”  Shane said leaning over.  “Then accompany her over to the coffee place, tell her about the Katmandu Experience.”

“I think you’re nuts” Mike replied.

Shane got up, walked over to the front table of the store, bought a couple of cards and returned to his seat. Fifteen minutes later the yoga class ended.  Shane pushed back his chair, “Wish me luck,” he said as he headed over toward the entrance of the yoga studio.

The class slowly emptied out. Shane stood with his back against the glass store front of the studio. The long brown-haired woman walked out, and Shane sauntered over.

“Excuse me miss, we are doing a promotion for the coffee shop Coco Coffee, and I am giving away gift cards to promote it. Would you like one, no charge.” Shane smiled.

“That is very sweet of you” she replied “but I don’t drink coffee, my friend Sarah does,” pointing to the dark short haired woman.

She waved to Sarah to come over. “This man is giving away free gift cards to Coco Coffee; would you like one.”  Shane handed Sarah a card, telling her she could get three coffees of her choice. Sarah took the card, thanked Shane and walked over to the coffee place.

Shane turned to the long-haired brown woman, “I am Shane, I didn’t get your name.”

“Julie”, she replied, “I have to get going. I have to do some shopping, it’s my husband’s birthday. Thank you for the kind offer.”

Shane smiled and watched her walk away. He turned and started heading back to the table. The coffee cups were still there, but Mike was gone. Looking around, he saw him talking with the short dark-haired Sarah. In his hand was a coffee cup. Shane caught a snippet of their conversation.

“You should try this coffee with almond milk, cloves, ginger and a hint of nutmeg, it’s really good.” Sarah smiled warmly back at him.

Peter Doyle

October 12, 2020 00:07

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