Romance Suspense Crime

This story contains sensitive content

This story is about the act of stalking. Nothing graphic or violent happens!

Thank you for reading!

June 25th 

Dear Ezra, 

First- I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to write to you again. I promise I didn’t forget about you. I’ve been so busy and things have been so crazy. I made sure I had time to write to you today though. It’s important. I put the date at the top. Do you remember what day that is? It’s our three-year “anniversary.” I put it in quotes because our relationship is based on nothing but these letters. The other day I was thinking about how I still haven’t seen your face. I was at work and this song came on. The one that you told me you loved that I listened to for weeks on end. I thought of you immediately but then it occurred to me the face I’m thinking of I’ve totally made up. 

Anyway, I’m moving in a few days so my new address is on a card in this letter so you can write me back and send it there. I started my new job and it’s going really well. I really like it but I also have even less time than I did before. But hey, I can afford my car payment now. 

I expect a lengthy letter on how you have been. Do you still like your job? Have you figured out what to do with the throw pillows yet? Are any women impressed that you have throw pillows? I can’t wait to hear how you are doing. Write back to me soon Ez. 



P.S- I look forward to your letters. 

July, 7th 

Dear Penny, 

Your letter made me laugh. Even though I don’t know what your voice sounds like, I read it in your voice. Does that make sense to you? I remembered our three year “anniversary” and I hoped you would write to me soon. Despite being an adult I jumped when I got your letter. My neighbors gave me a strange look at the mailboxes. That’s your fault. 

I’m glad you like your new job. Are you still painting? If you are, paint me something. I have your other one hung up in my bedroom. Which brings me to the next thing. The throw pillows still look awkward but you will be happy to find out I have had TONS of women incredibly impressed with my throw pillows. Thank you for making me buy them. 

My job is going well. I wish I had more to report but there isn’t anything. My life is not that exciting. Sorry for the lack of a lengthy letter. I’ll try to do something exciting to report next time. 



P.S I look forward to your letters too. Maybe we can finally find out what each other's faces look like? 

July, 19th 

Dear Ez, 

Happy birthday to me! Yesterday was my birthday and I went out with Jessie and Layla to a little bar and had a few drinks. I can’t believe I’m 24 now. Is this the point in life where we start feeling old? Does it ever stop? 

I had a mildly good time but I think I met a guy. He was tall and very handsome. Dark eyes, dark long hair (aka my f-ing kryptonite). He came up to me and asked to buy me a drink for my birthday. He bought me a drink and I gave him my number. I hope I can see him again. Do you have any exciting romantic prospects?  

I get excited seeing your letters in the mail too. I’ll jump around a little next time too so my neighbors think I’m weird. Then you won’t be alone! I am still painting, when I have the time. I’ll paint you something soon. It is going to be very bright so it lightens up your gray apartment.



P.S- I would love to see your face soon. 

July, 31st 

Dear Penny, 

Happy birthday, Pen! You’re incredible and I’m glad you’re around another year. Meeting a guy on your birthday? Have you seen him again? When you have an incredible boyfriend you better still write to me. 

I finally talked to a girl I’ve been interested in. I finally worked up the nerve to talk to her and she was just as beautiful as I thought she would be. We have a date soon so hopefully next time I write to you I will have a fun update. 

In boring news? My boss quit and so I’ve been doing even more work than I’m supposed to. Hopefully they will put someone in that position soon. Tell me more about your life, Pen. It’s more exciting than mine. 



P.S Maybe we could grab coffee at BusyBrew? 

August 7th 

Dear Ez, 

I’m so excited for you! How did the date go? Has she seen your throw pillows? Was she impressed? I’m sure she will love you. Tell me all about the date. 

Leo (the guy from the bar) is wonderful. He’s been to my apartment a few times but he never wants to go to his. He says it’s too far which makes me think that he’s hiding something. Maybe it’s the true crime documentaries I watch. Either way, I like him. He gives me that warm feeling in my stomach. Do you know what I mean? Thank you for not judging me. I haven’t told Jessie or Layla about him yet.



P.S- That’s my favorite coffee shop! I love that! 

August, 23rd 

Dear Penny, 

Sorry, it has taken me a while to write you back. I have been really busy. Both with work and with my girl. We have been spending every moment together. I know exactly what feeling you are talking about. It’s like hot chocolate and soft pillows but inside. I think that made less sense than what you said. Just ignore my lovesick attitude. 

Why haven’t you told your friends about Leo yet? You seem to like him quite a bit. Are things still going well with you two? I’ll never judge you, Pen. 



August, 30th 

Dear Ezra, 

It’s okay that you’ve been busy. I have too. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately and I realized there’s so much I don’t know. What’s your middle name? Tell me more about yourself. I want to get to know you mystery man. 

I’m glad you found somebody. I hope things continue to go well for you two. What is your sign? What is hers? I’ll be able to tell you if you guys will last. I know you don’t believe in astrology but tell me! I can't wait for updates. 



P.S- how did you send a letter without a stamp? 

September 2nd 

Dear Penny, 

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately too, Pen. I’m sorry if I get distant in my letters. There have been so many things happening. I’ve been so busy. I will write to you as much as I can manage. Paint me something soon. 



September 5th 

Dear Ezra, 

That letter was a disappointment. That was so short! You didn’t even answer any of my questions. I want to hear more about your life, Ez. Don’t bail on me because you have a girlfriend. Can’t wait to hear from you. 



P.S- Stamps? Is that why it is taking the post office so long to get these to me? 

September 20th 

Dear Ez, 

It’s been awhile again. I miss you. Write to me soon. I miss your handwriting. 

I love you, 


September 25th 

Dear Ezra, 

I bet you didn’t expect to wake up to one of my letters on your throw pillows. These are really nice. I do have great taste. Leo finally brought me to his apartment and I finally figured out why he wouldn’t. I also figured out why you haven’t been writing to me. I missed you and I talked to you about how I missed your letters. 

How long were you watching me, Ez? Tell me, did you follow me to the bar that night or did you already know that we hang out there? 

You got sloppy, Ez. You mentioned things that only you knew, not Leo. You stopped mailing the letters because you were at my apartment anyway. I didn’t want it to be true but it is. You really did this to me.

Was it worth it? 



P.S- I’ll never forgive you. 

September 25th 

Dear Penny, 

You won’t answer my calls but maybe you will at least read this letter. If you won’t see me again, write to me baby. 

I’m sorry I lied to you. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. That’s why I stopped writing to you. 

I watched you for a while, Pen. You are so fun to watch. Everything you do is beautiful. I couldn’t help myself. 

Forgive me, Penny. 



P.S I love you. 

October 7th 

Dear Penny, 

I miss you so much. I’ll always wait for you. 



October 12th 

Dear Ezra Leo Miller, 

You’re not as slick and you think you are. I can feel you watching me. 


October 15th 

Dear Penny, 

I’ll wait for you my whole life. I won’t let you go. If you want me to stay away then I won’t touch you, I promise. I won’t ever leave though. Ever. 

I love you, 


October 21st 

Dear Penny, 

It wasn’t worth it. 

I love you, 


October 30th 

Dear Penny, 

You’re too good for that guy you went out with tonight. You looked incredible. 



November 3rd 

Dear Penny, 

He’s not good enough for you. I’m not sorry I ruined your date. 


November 8th 

Dear Penny, 

I don’t care if it takes a whole lifetime for you to forgive me. I’ll wait. 



November 13th 

Dear Ezra, 

Come in here you coward. 



November 14th 

Dear Penny, 

Does this mean you forgive me? I’ll see you after work. 

Love, Ez 

November 15th 

Dear Penny, 

Due to your silence, I’m going to assume that didn’t mean you forgive me. I can still smell you on me. 



November 27th 

Dear Ezra, 

I can still feel you there even when you don’t leave me letters. Your constant presence has turned into a comfort. My door will be unlocked tonight. Although, I’m sure a lock would have been a mere inconvenience to you. See you tonight, Ez. 



December 11th  

Dear Penny, 

You looked beautiful this morning. Call me when you wake up so I can hear your voice. It’s the best part of my morning. I’ll see you tonight, Pen. I love you. 



P.S I’ll never stop writing to you again. 

December 11th 

Dear Ezra, 

You’re crazy. I love you. See you tonight. 



P.S- I still get excited to see your letters. 

P.S.S- Just use your key when you get here. You can watch me from inside my apartment now. 

August 23, 2023 15:22

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07:16 Sep 08, 2023

Seriously Creepy. Guys don't actually get it sometimes, that their actions are actually stalking. I'd have been more careful than Penny became. Send shivers. Well done with this story. I have a son called Ezra. He would never behave like that.


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Stan Konwiser
21:15 Aug 30, 2023

Interesting story. Seems like a slice taken out of the movie 'You've Got Mail'. Early on the clues are dropped they live near each other. What seems to be missing is why they haven't gotten together. That he surreptitiously arranges the meeting on her birthday adds a twist, but why do that? In the end, they get together in spite of his misrepresentation that breaks her trust. What did he do to regain it? I like your story. Sorry to punch holes, but I think you could make it better.


Emma Chavez
21:36 Aug 30, 2023

I’ve never seen that movie, I’ll have to watch it. I agree I knew the plot holes were there when I wrote it. I wrote it very fast. The end wasn’t supposed to show how he regained her trust. I wanted it to show bits of a larger relationship outside of the letters. Thank you for your feedback I appreciate all of it!


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