From: Teacher4Life
To: NewToThis
Hey NewToThis,
I never know how to start a conversation on a dating platform like Meet.Me, but here we go.
I got tired of swiping left and right in apps, judging people on their appearance. I thought I’d try this new app where I can get to know someone for who they are and their interests versus simply choosing a match on physical appearance.
Your profile piqued my interest for several reasons. First, your love of football. I grew up in a family that loved sports. I was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, so I couldn’t avoid Nebraska football—even when the team was on a losing streak. Go, Cornhuskers!
I, too, enjoy reading. It might sound sappy, but I like rom-com-like books. Nothing spicy, just a sweet story with a good ending. I’m a sucker for happily-ever-afters. But I also enjoy reading suspense. A page-turner with an unexpected twist never disappoints.
Finally, your profile mentioned that you crave adventure. I need a bit more adventure in my life.
A bit about me. I teach middle school English. I know, I know. It takes a special breed of person to actually enjoy middle schoolers. But they are in such an awkward phase of life where everything is changing, and they are simply trying to figure out who they are. I remember that stage all too well. If I can be the teacher who listens and encourages and can make an impact in just one kid’s life, then it’s worth it. At least that is what I tell myself on the hard days (which are most days).
Enough about me. I look forward to hearing back from you. Ugh. I’ve written and rewritten that sentence ten times now. Write back if I’ve not scared you off.
From: NewToThis
To: Teacher4Life
You didn’t scare me off. This whole meeting people on an app thing is…not normal. I come from a small town in Nebraska. I’ve lived in Omaha for several years, but I’m not sure where to plug in. My brother keeps telling me I need to “get out there.” So, here I am.
Yes, I’m a fan of football and played in college. Not at Nebraska. Sorry to disappoint you. But I’m still a fan and enjoy watching college football. I mostly read fantasy, but my brother prefers suspense and mystery.
I’m an engineer. It’s not as worthy of a profession as teaching, but I enjoy my work.
So, what brings you to Meet.Me?
From: Teacher4Life
To: NewToThis
What brings me to Meet.Me? Well, like you said, it’s hard to meet people these days. I don’t go to bars. That’s not really my thing unless you mean a coffee bar. That’s a different conversation. Oh, the coffee bars in Italy were divine. I spent the summer after college graduation in Rome. The. Best. Coffee. Ever. And the bars (coffee bars) were the local hang out. I spoke little Italian (I was there to teach English), but the people were friendly and welcoming. When I was twenty-one, I was a bit of a romantic. I hoped to meet a beautiful Italian man that summer. Unfortunately, I learned that most Italian guys my age still lived at home with their parents.
I hate to cut this short, but I’ve got to head out for work.
From: NewToThis
To: Teacher4Life
So, a guy who lives at home doesn’t meet your expectations?
From: Teacher4Life
To: NewToThis
Oh, my gosh! I didn’t mean it like that. Do you live with your parents? Oh, I put my foot in my mouth, didn’t I? I’m so sorry if I offended you. I just meant I prefer men who don’t hang out at coffee bars all evening. Guys who have a bit of ambition and are intentional about creating a future. If you are an engineer and played college football, those are examples that tell me you have that drive.
I’ll stop writing before I say something else offensive.
From: NewToThis
To: Teacher4Life
No worries. And no, I don’t live with my parents. Our parents actually passed a few years ago. It’s just the three of us now (I have a brother and a sister). My sister is married with three kids. My brother is my best friend. He’s single, too. It’s just that things happen in life that are sometimes out of our control. If someone lives at home for a while, maybe there are extenuating circumstances.
By the way, reading—especially on cold winter days with a hot cup of coffee—is my definition of perfection. But none of that frou-frou stuff. Black with no sugar or cream.
From: Teacher4Life
To: NewToThis
Oh, you have some strong opinions on your coffee, huh? I’ll push back on the coffee. I like a good cappuccino. I guess I will blame that on Italy. The creaminess of the milk perfectly balances the bitter espresso. But I agree, reading a great book with a cup of coffee is on my list of favorite things to do.
From: Teacher4Life
To: NewToThis
Did I come off too strong in my opinions about coffee? Or was it the comment about living at home? Now I sound like one of my insecure middle school girls.
From: NewToThis
To: Teacher4Life
Hey Teach. I’m sorry for the silence. I had to think some things over.
I set up this account to try to hook up my brother. So, I’ve been writing on my brother’s behalf. Without his permission. He’s a great guy (and, yes, we really are best friends, although he wasn’t too happy with me when I told him what I did).
In the process of replying to you, I said I loved coffee on a cold day (well, any day, really). While that is 100% true, it’s not true about my brother (who hates coffee). I responded about what I like, and before I knew it, I hit send.
Here’s the thing. You sound really great. The facts are all true. My brother are I are alike in many ways, although I’m more outgoing. We are both engineers. He’s a chemical engineer, and I’m a software engineer.
And yes, I do love football, and we both played in college. Well, I played for most of college. I was injured at the end of my junior year, and it was a career-ending injury. Maybe that’s why I overreacted about the “living at home” comment. I had to move back in with my parents for several years due to that injury. However, I coach my nephew’s football team (middle school boys, by the way). I moved to Omaha six months ago to be closer to my siblings.
I would really like to get to know you more, but I realize that I’ve broken what little trust can exist on an app like this.
I’m really sorry.
From: Teacher4Life
To: NewToThis
Wow. I said I liked stories with an unexpected twist, but I’m not sure how I feel about that in real life. I need to know how I can trust you moving forward.
From: NewToThis
To: Teacher4Life
Can we start over?
From: Teacher4Life
To: NewToThis
From: NewToThis
To: Teacher4Life
I’m Michael, by the way.
From: Teacher4Life
To: NewToThis
I know a great coffee shop.
I’m Emily.
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Enjoyable story.
This was really good! I liked how you kept including stuff about "we" referring to the brother and him, it was great setting up anticipation. I like how you turned this around and the happy ending.