The day everyone would remember

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Start your story with a character having a premonition, but no one believes them.... view prompt


Historical Fiction

It was September 11th 2001. It was my least favort day of the week, a Tuesday. Witch meant it was a school day, nowhere close to the weekend. It took me a solid ten minutes to role myself out of my bed. I grabbed my glasses from my night side table and headed to my bathroom. The bathroom was just done the hallway, right next to my older sister Molly’s room. I could hear my mom and dad downstairs talking in the kitchen, boring grown up stuff. Before I reach the bathroom I alrea know that Molly is in there, she was on the phone. Probably with one of her stupid friends.

“Molly get out of the bathroom it’s my turn” I say as I pound on the door.

“Hold on“ she shouts

as she walks out of the door a smog of perfume and hairspray follows he. Finally the bathroom is all mine. I look at mysel in the mirror like I do every mornin, but something feels different today. I could figure out what but it was defense something. The whole morning went my a blur after that. All I could think about was that feeling and what it meant.

“ Josh do you want eggs or toast?”

“Hello Josh are you there?” Mom says to me as she waves her hand in front of my face.

”Uh yea, I’m here and eggs please“ I say as I regain focus to my family seated around me.

“So Josh and Molly how has school been going?” My Dad asks

“The usual, boring“ Molly tells him half paining attention because she was textong on her new phone my parents got for her a couple days ago.

“ Schools been going really good, the science fair is coming up soon, I’m thinking of building a volcano the actually explodes” I say eagerly

” that sounds awes- dad starts to say but he couldn’t finish because he was interrupted my Molly

”Josh you are such a nerd”

“Molly be nice to your bother“ my mom say as both my parents give Molly there disappointed looks.

before I can say an back to Molly it’s time to go to school. My parents make me walk to school and Molly gets a ride since we go to different schools and mine is a couple minutes away from our house. I don’t mine walking to school. you can see the autum trees starting to turn colors and in the distance you can see downtown New York if there’s no fog. On this particular morning you could see downtown. The big building that looked like it could touch the sky, the bridges and the two building that were exactly the same. That when I realized what the feeling that I had all morning meant. Somthing bad was gonna happen to those two twin buildings. I continued walking the rest of the way to school but all I would think about was what was gonna happen to those twin buildings. I reached my classroom witch was at the end of the 3rd grade hallway. Mrs. Bells classroom.

“Good morning Josh.“ Mrs. Bells said in her cheerful voice.

“Good morning, Mrs Bells I have to tell you something.” I said in a hushed voice.

“Of course Josh what is it?”

“ umm well you know those building that look like twins, downtomen. Well somthing bad is going to happen to them“ i told her nervously

“I can assure you that nothing bad is going to happen to those buildings, who told you somthing would?“ She asked me

” No one told me I just had this felling. like when you realize you forgot your lunch at home or when you didn’t do your homework the night before, it was that sort of felling Mrs. Bells”

” I see Josh why don’t you go have a seat at your desk” as she said that I realized that she didn’t believe me. Why wouldn’t she believe me, I was telling her the truth. Somthing bad was gonna happens to those buildings.

I had to sit around until morning recess to tell my friends. They were the same as Mrs. Bells, they didn’t believe me. I was on the verge of crying when loud sirens started roaring down the road. Ten fire trucks came flying down the road, with there lights and sires blazing. At that moment the bell also rang, signaling the end of morning recess. Had forty five minutes already passed? All the students lined up and eveyone rushed back inside. as I walked past my teacher her face looked panicked and scared. What was going on? As soon as the last kid got into the class Mrs. Bells locked the door, shut the curtains and turned off all the lights a lamps. The room was silent and dark.

“Students I need everyone to got to the back of the room and sit down.” She said in a calm tone but I could tell she was scared still.

She flipped on the tv to the news and once I saw what happened I was shocked. A plane had hit the two tower. I knew something was wrong, I just had this feeling about it. Mrs. Bella walked over and sat beside me.

“How did you know?” she whispered in my ear.

” I told you I just had a feeling” I whispered back.

the next hours were the scariest ones of my life. The news stayed on the tv so we could see what was happening all you could hear was sirens going down the road every five minute. Then we saw it happen, right there in front of my own eyes. I saw another plain hit the second building. The class is went silent, everyones eyes were wide with terror. Why would someone fly into a building, couldn’t they see it ahead of them? I had so many questions but none would come out of my mouth. Many minutes past and it was still silent, no one had said a word. I was about to ask Mrs. Bells question when the first building started to collapse, first we saw it then we felt it. The ground started to shake, posters that were stuck to the wall fell to the ground. Screams of my classmates flooded the room. As quick as it started it ended. I was so scared I had no clue what was going on. I thought it would be over but it happened again. The second building fell and the ground shook and the scream came again.

It must have been hours before my mom picked me up. She had been crying, I could tell. All she kept saying was I so glad your ok josh. The car ride home was quite, I looked out the window the whole time. I couldn’t see downtown, inside of fog covering the cityscape, today it was think ash. Where the two builing stood was now emptiness. Finally we pulled into our driveway. I leaped out of the car and ran inside to see my sister and dad watching the news in the livingroom. I walked over and joined them sitting on the couch. they both gave me a big hug, and told me that they both loved me so much. My mom joined up moments later. I took a deep breath and decided that I needed to tell them.

“Guys, I knew it was gonna happen today” I said shyly

“What do you mean Josh” my mom asked

” I mean I knew that something bad was gonna happen to the twin buildings”

“ Don’t be silly Josh, no one could have known it was gonna happen unless you caused it to happen. And I don’t think you did that” My dad said in a very sharp tone.

“But dad I knew something bad was gonna happen I swear“

“Josh this is serious, don‘t joke about it“ he told me as he gave his disappointed look to me. The same one Molly had gotten this morning.

I couldn‘t believe it, why was no one believing me. I was telling the truth witch was what my parents had taught me to do. But still not even they would believe what I had told them.

That day would be know as the day no one would forget, the day the twin towers fell. I had a feeling something was gonna happen but no one would believe me. Maybe if they did people wouldn’t have died that day, and those two twin buildings would still be there when I walked to school every morning.

June 16, 2021 02:45

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Melody Frost
01:55 Jun 25, 2021

I like the way you have plotted this story. However, I have noticed a few errors. First, "September 11th 2001", is "September 11th, 2001". You have to add a comma after 11th, before 2001. Second, typo errors. Favort-favorite. Witch-Which. "It took me a solid ten minutes to role myself....." is "It took me a solid ten minutes to roll myself....". Night side-Nightside (no space). alrea-already. Your ideas are really creative and I hope you prevent these mistakes in the future.


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Tybor Tigadoro
01:12 Jun 24, 2021

Really cool concept with this story! I also like your take on the prompt. In terms of feedback, I noticed typos throughout (e.g., "favort" instead of "favorite" in the second sentence). If these were unintentional, I would recommend some heavier proofing next time. If these were part of a stylistic choice—because your protagonist is a third grader—it could potentially help to write in present tense, to make clear that this is the narrator's voice. Good job on this, though; I enjoyed the read!


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