Enamored by a Cloud

Submitted into Contest #143 in response to: Write about a character who loves cloud gazing. ... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction African American Suspense

Enamored by a Cloud!

“Chare’ how are you this beautiful day?” says her therapist while Chare’ is driving down the road. Chare’ responds, “I find that I am at peace, peace, but to give you an idea of how I truly feel this beautiful day let me share a chain of events.

My day began with a shower, as I completed my every day rising routine my attention, my eye was captured by the gazing of the sun through my window. I thought to myself it must be a beautiful day, it has to be, as I stared deeply out the window a little longer than usual.

In surprise I spotted a cloud that captured the sun within its body its frame, it sat perfectly in front of that beautiful gazing sun. I became entranced by the way the sun’s rays was pushing through its ever so white and pure appearance. I looked and looked so enamored by its size, small in stature as it ran across the sky. It hovered in that one place directly in front of the sun but moving so very slow. I gazed and became enraptured by its blatant blocking of the sun.

I soon realized the day was getting past me I was gazing at this cloud relentlessly. I continued with my daily routine to get ready for the day. So, I dressed and prepped, grabbed all my equipment, loaded them into my car and off I was to my first destination.

I drove and drove and while driving I glanced up to the sky and by surprise there it was my cloud following me very close by. I glanced up and for sure there it was doing a double take and measured it with my eyes, really to my surprise again it indeed was the cloud that had me entranced within. As I continued my journey driving down this winding road. I glanced at it so many times I almost was about to lose control, my whole mind thinking, ‘is this cloud really following me’, but I kept on looking, peeping over my steering wheel, leaning toward my windshield hoping it was still there.

Finally, as I arrived at my destination, I began to unload all I needed for this assignment and to my amazement this assignment would take place outside. As always, I am prepared to revamp what I truly needed to complete my assignment without hesitation. While my client led me to my true destination, I took a single glance and to my complete utter astonishment that same cloud, my cloud caught my eyes admiration. There it was same shape, form and size this time at a stand still gazing down at me. As I set up and adjusted my stand I found it, my cloud was looking brighter than when the sun shone through it.

As my client was being prepared and was further prepped and situated in his place by his attendants, I noticed something different about my cloud the brightness of it no longer stood so proud. Its color changed from white to grey. The beautiful day was somewhat in disarray. No worries I felt just pressing to continue the beginning of this final celebration.

Finally, after the client was set in his place and his attendants also stood specially arrayed around him. Many more people began to arrive standing looking at my client with tears in their eyes as I looked back up at my cloud, its color had completely changed from that beautiful buff white to an impeding grey. As I began to speak, I gazed at my client’s attendant he reached for an umbrella and each attendant did the same in preparation of my cloud’s release of the rain it contained. I looked up and to utter surprise yes, this cloud of mine this cloud I was intrigued by, turned on me and release its rain heavy upon me. It began to pour and pour all during my speech.

The group of people family and friends of all kinds looking with suspense realizing this event would soon be tense, but the attendants tried and tried to keep the rain from touching those in attendance heads. I began my speech; I began it with words of encouragement to reach and soothe the tears of the client, but those tears were no longer recognizable mixed in the drops of the rain. As I neared to the end of my speech, it seemed as if the rain was about to soon to end. I soon prepared to break down my equipment for my work here was done, my client was soon lowered to his final resting place. Now off I need to be to my next assignment.

I glanced up to see my cloud and found it was now truly hovering at its best, releasing the sadness it felt knowing my task at hand was absolutely, truly at rest. Very soon it was done the rain that had begun to pour upon our heads rescinded its precipitation. My cloud turned from that dismal grey back to its beautiful buff white all at once like this was all a stunt. It was done and at its finale it finally moved on knowing my final task was also done.

So, Ma’am all in all my day was by far a beautiful and enamored one.” “And now Chare’” the therapist said, “how shall you go forward after today? What will be your way of dealing with your not so good days?” Chare’ says “I’ll look and begin each seeking out the Son within the cloud, for I know He knows the many tasks I have ahead of me for His Cloud I believe will follow me to each assignment he sends me.

In knowing this I truly believe that with each experience it will finally above all things allow me to breath. No more looking at clouds the same way, for I have been truly changed and enamored within, by the gaze of a beautiful God yielding cloud.

The End

April 23, 2022 00:26

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