Friday night lights,
Small town,
High school football game,
The place to be.
All the big fish
Swimming in a tiny pond
Are there.
A raven haired girl on the dance team
Shakes her shiny pom poms,
Flashes a killer smile,
It’s her sweet sixteen birthday.
She is pretty and popular.
Life is good.
She prances in front of
An adoring crowd with
Her select pack of friends.
Fellow mean girls.
Everyone thinks it’s cool
To be a pom pom girl,
Not everyone makes the cut.
Another boy,
A lowly freshman,
Sits on hard, cold bleachers,
With his newly made,
Wallflower friends
Excited to be there,
Though jealous of those playing,
The bigwig football studs,
Kings of the universe.
Showing his own school spirit,
Trying to be part of the team,
Shouting raucous cheers,
Munching buttery popcorn,
Slurping soda,
Googling at giggly girls.
He is the sweet sixteen, pom pom girl’s cousin,
Maybe she will introduce him to her friends?
Enter their two fathers,
One father,
Newly divorced,
An angry, bitter man.
He told his ex-wife
Many years ago,
She was his safety net,
He couldn’t live without her.
When that net stretches to its breaking point.
He begs and pleads
In a last ditch effort
To save the marriage.
He can’t live without her,
He doesn’t know what to do.
How can he go on from here?
She is always there
To catch him when he falls,
And he falls often,
Bruised and bleeding,
Spitting fire as he tumbles down,
Nothing is ever right in his world.
I don’t want to be your
Safety net any more,
She says,
Much to his surprise.
Wives aren’t supposed
To talk that way.
Not his wife,
Especially not her.
The other father,
The first man’s ex brother-in-law,
Somewhat bitter himself,
Having just lost his job,
Been let go, “downsized,”
He is just trying
To escape his troubles
To be buoyed
By the cheers of the crowd,
To spy on his newbie teenaged son,
Trying so manfully to fit into his fledgling world.
His son, who still has a chance at life,
Even if he is not,
And never will be,
A star.
The ex brother-in-law is
Rough around the edges himself,
Somewhat of a ne'er do well,
Prodigal son,
Always welcomed by his family,
Feted for his smallest accomplishment,
Which sometimes made his little sister,
The ex-wife of the first man,
A long standing sibling rivalry,
No matter their age.
Normal in a lot of families.
Not really a surprise
That he lost his job,
Life seems to fall that way for him.
His family,
Even his now middle aged sister,
Always there to support him,
To pick up the pieces,
To catch him when he falls.
After all,
He is family.
The bonds of blood
Thicker than water.
The sign of that ex brother-in-law,
The ne'er do well,
Enrages the first man,
Father to the Sweet sixteen year old,
Queen bee, pom pom girl,
He knows just how strong
Their bonds are.
Those bonds that
Once held onto him,
Now broken,
No longer apply.
He is not blood.
The family to which
He once belonged.
No longer his.
The ex brother-in-law,
The face of that safety net
That was suddenly whisked away from him,
Resulting in his own, painful fall.
The ne’er do well brother-in-law,
That Friday night,
With the stadium lights shining,
Represents the whole family.
The hated ex wife,
Who dropped him like small change,
And her father,
The ultimate safety net.
A Daddy Warbucks,
Who funds her divorce,
Stands by her side,
Throughout it all,
Daddy Warbucks hired
A cut throat, she devil,
Divorce lawyer,
For his only daughter.
The ex husband can’t let his
Bitterness and anger
Pass through him, unspent.
His rage is a dollar,
Burning a hole in his pocket,
He just needs to slap that
Hard earned money down.
He approaches the ex brother-in-law,
Gets in his grill,
Utters a few choice words,
Tells him exactly what he
Thinks of the entire family.
He is
An angry, scary man,
Who used to cause his wife
To tremble,
Bite her lip till it bled
When he flew into one of his
Snapping turtle rages.
Getting into her face,
Spewing venom at her,
Raising his fists,
She always backed away in fear,
Tried to put furniture and space
Between them,
Anything to separate herself
From him.
Never sure when he would strike,
The divorce represents
Her first real attempt
To stand up to him,
Not to just back timidly away.
He can’t accept her revolt,
She is not supposed to fight back,
Although he knows she often
Tried to flee,
But he could always catch her,
Make her pay.
He fails to realize that,
You gotta watch those quiet ones,
Even they have a breaking point,
With no other recourse,
He gets in his ex brother-in-law’s face In much the same way,
The brother-in-law,
Though surprised,
Doesn’t back up
Doesn't flee.
That’s not what men
And testosterone do.
Especially not under
Friday night lights,
In a hard fought game,
Fight or flight,
Not even a question.
The dumped, scary man
Gives his ex brother-in-law
A hard shove,
The brother-in-law raises his fists,
A defensive,
Stand your ground posture,
Echoes of George Foreman, Muhammad Ali,
Or maybe Copacabana.
“There is blood and a single gunshot,”
(Or fistpunch, as the case may be)
“But just who shot who?”
The Barney Fife,
Mayberry RFD high school security guards
Separate the two men with their own hard shoves,
Outstretched arms,
Stern voices.
They forcibly eject the two sparring opponents from the premises,
Wondering all the while,
What kind of example
These deadbeat dads are setting
For impressionable young people?
A mortified fourteen year old boy,
Trying so hard to fit in with his
Pimply faced peers,
Looks helplessly on,
Praying that no one discovers
That’s his Dad,
Being dragged away
By the men in blue,
Normally the security guards just busy
Busting kids smoking in the washroom.
Dad's aren't supposed to
Act this way.
His girl cousin,
Facing the other way,
Obliviously dances on,
Waving her sparkling pom poms in the air,
“Go team, go!”
“Happy birthday to me!"
She turns to her friends,
“Are you coming to my party later?”
No party ever comes to be.
At least not that night.
Under the same Friday night lights,
Each father explains to his child,
His version of the events.
What really transpired.
Two vastly different stories,
Each man,
Of course,
Blames the other.
Neither one, the bad guy.
But like in any situation,
The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.
50 shades of gray.
The kids worry,
Friday night lights are bright.
The whole town probably saw,
Tongues will be a’waggin’,
But nobody will even remember
Who won the game that day.
And will it really even matter?
A sweet sixteen,
Friday Nights Lights showdown.
Nobody is the winner.
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A masterfully crafted poem. Well done!
Thank you!
All in a p[oem, impressive :) Thanks for reading my story, "You can't always have what you want"
You are the winner with this poem. So well done. Thanks for liking 'Right Cup of Tea'
Thank you.