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Kids Crime

One day Ollie Soren was at her desk in math class. “Ok people I am Miss.Hunter and today we are going to be learning about dividing decimals.Yay”. She was being sarcastic. She had gray hair, a black shirt, and has been working at Bird Creek Elementary with 5th grade classes for 40 years. She saw some kids working on their computers and walked over and said “No need for those computers in this class.” She shut them and walked away and said “Ok so in this class you will be listening to me, and if not you won't know what to do. “So listen up…”After class me and Sunny were talking about how last week my older brother Will pranked his friends sister because they dared him to prank her with shaving cream. He is always getting into mischief. After talking Ollie went home. She walked in and to her surprise she saw 5 boys that she had never seen in her life, and they were trashing the house! Then I spotted WILL. I marched over to that weird 20 year old and said “that is going to be a lot of cleaning up so prepare yourself”. The I walked into my room and sat, texting my friends. Then it was silent. I walked into the messy living room and then the door swung open and it was mom! She dropped the grocer bags and said “Ollie why would you do this. Come on start cleaning”. Ollie looked confused. “Mom this was not me”. “Don’t lie to me”. Then they both heard laughing. Will came in the back door with his friends behind him. “Wow thats a big mess you made here.” He had his acting surprised face on. “Well start cleaning”,Will said while laughing. So Ollie spent hours cleaning so when she finished cleaning she flopped onto her bed.

The next moning she woke up and rubbed her eyes but she had shaving cream in her hand so her face was now covered in shaving cream. She got up and marched into her brothers room and said “ok this has got to stop”. Her brother did not care ,he said “first , do not keep marching in, learn to knock.Second “ NO, to be honest they dare me to do it and if I dont they say that they will get golf clubs and reck moms car!” My face was very surprised and said “Well then do not hang out with them.” He replied “Well, um then I have no other friends.” “oh sorry Will”

After I felt so bad for him because before the move Will had so many good friends and now he has bad friends who dare him to do such bad things and they threaten him. They are using him! “Will they are using you and so if you hang out with them more you Will be doing extra homework and then you cant get a job then no car and if no car you cant drive me places.!” I took a deep breath. “Ollie its ok I will be fine.” Then Ollie left his room and went to school.Aft

er school Ollie was hanging out in her room looking around her. She was looking around because for her homework assignment she had to draw a picture of somewhere in your house. She looked at her bed with a pink blanket and a fluffy pillow and a few stuffed animals at the end of her bed. She looked at her shelf with bunch’s of dusty old legos. Then her cat walked in front of her and onto her paper. “Holly, you silly cat!”. Holly was a skinny gray cat, this cat was very special to her because her dad gave it to her before he left for the army, and left her, her brother and mom. 

Then all the sudden she heard “BANG BANG BANG”! She jumped up and ran into her 20 year old brother's room and yelled “turn your music down”! Then her brother, Will turned around to face her and said “ok, ok calm down and don’t come in here without knocking on my door”. Then she turned around thinking he is always getting in trouble. What will he do next? 

That night I woke up to the sound of a window opening and I knew it was Will. Although, he wouldn’t do something too crazy… Right? Outside Will got in his car and drove to a weird building, parked and walked into an alley. There were 5 other people. When he walked in a guy patted him on the back and said “Hey bro, we’re playing spin the bottle and if it lands on you; you have to rob the store over there.” He pointed to a store across the street. “Um, I think I’m good… Thanks anyways.” Will muttered hesitantly. Then before he could finish the boy interrupted “ No, you’re playing”. They spun the bottle and it landed on… WILL! Everyone started to laugh and talk. Will was luckily already wearing black so he was more sneaky. So Will walked across the street with a crowd of boys, 8 feet behind him. Will tried to open the door and it opened. How could it be this easy? He put one foot into the store and “BING BING BING BING!!!” The alarm blared. Without any time to think he bolted, but stopped when he heard the sirens of the cops. The cops opened the door and talked to Will. The group of boys scattered in all directions. Then Will got in the car and they drove away. A few minutes later Ollie woke to a car door closing. She jumped up and ran down stairs to see her mom, the cops, and Will talking. She ran down stairs to talk to her brother. She listened to his story, and then yelled angrily “I KNOW YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS! AND IT ALL STARTED AFTER DAD DIED!!” She stopped, gasped and covered her mouth. “Sorry”. After that night Will tried to stop causing trouble and everything went back to normal.

                                                               THE END

December 02, 2023 03:18

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1 comment

Karen McDermott
14:27 Dec 05, 2023

Welcome to Reedsy. I'm not really sure what this story is about...school...shaving cream...a girl called Ollie? It was a wild ride 😅 It would be easier to read if there were more paragraphs. It's good to start a new paragraph when a character speaks for example. Good luck with your future writing endeavours :)


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