
She had worked at the institution for twelve years. Nothing exciting every happened there. Everyday was the same. Work! Work! Work! Despite that, Emily loved to be there; in her own space; in her own world where her imaginations ran wild.

One morning she walked in and opened her door as per usual. She hurriedly ran to her desk to set down her bag and other belongings. As she walked through the door, phone in hand, bag on the other hand, her shoes kicked something on the floor. She looked down and saw a white envelope. "How strange," she thought. "Someone must have placed this envelope under the wrong door."

With that, she bent over and picked it up. Lo and behold, it was her name on the envelop. Written in beautiful cursive letters. The handwriting looked so familiar; too familiar.

Emily sat down at her desk and placed the envelope flat down. She thought, "Maybe it is a cheque, or a job letter; or some money. Finally she grabbed her letter opener and opened the envelope.

There was a neatly folded white paper inside. She slowly opened the letter.

Dear Emily,

Tomorrow, I will be waiting for you on 78th Avenue, at 7pm.



Emily froze. Could it be? She remembered the handwriting from way back when. But it couldn't. He had left so long ago when they were still teenagers; and besides, after 15 years, she had moved on. She now had a family.

The entire day passed ever so quickly. She just couldn't get the thought out of her head. She really wanted tomorrow to come. Finally, it was 6:17pm, that day. Emily struggled to make a decision. What if, just what if he had returned and wanted her back. What would she say when she knew she was married but she couldn't ignore how much the thought of being with him affected her very being. Chad and Emily had been lovers from childhood. He had always promised her that one day they would be married. Emily believed him and waited until one day, he had to leave to go abroad. Emily was heartbroken and vowed to wait for his return. Unfortunately for Emily, Chad never returned until 15 years later.

She had to see if it was really Chad. She made her way to 78th Street. It was 6:45pm. She looked from a distance to where she last saw him fifteen years ago. It was him. He sat patiently waiting, lifting his head every now and then.

Emily's legs became weak. Her heart pounded against her chest. She was overwhelmed with feelings for Chad. She had felt the same way she did so many years ago when he had left her.

When she finally mustered up some courage she began walking towards him. He heard her footsteps and rose up. He was so very sexy, elegant and charming. He rushed to her and hugged her. She felt lost in his huge physique. She felt her body shiver. Her legs couldn't hold her weight anymore. She fell into his arms and he held onto her tightly. Every sensation in her body leveled up. He was so muscular and was just as tall as ever.

She felt something that she had not felt in a long time. He didn't want to let go and neither did she. For a moment the whole world disappeared. He whispered in her ear, "I do still love you. Please give me a chance to love you."

Tears filled her eyes in an instant. She wanted to love him. She wanted to experience him; but she knew she couldn't. Her husband and family were at home waiting for her.

Her thoughts were interrupted when he said, "please let me see you again."

She pulled away from his body and turned around to leave so that he wouldn't see her cry. He ran to her and caught her in his arms. "Please".

She whispered, "I am married."

His countenance fell but he didn't give up. "Don't you feel the same about me.?"

She did but her mind was clogged with emotion. She told him that she would make contact the following day and left. Her heart hurt so badly that she barely made it through the night.

After meeting with Chad, she avoided him at all costs so as to not cause heartbreak to her husband. That did not work for all day and night he was all that she thought about. She had to see him again. She just did not know how.

She decided to give him a video call. When she called, he was speechless for about 2 minutes observing her every move. Then he expressed his feelings to her and what he desired. The conversation became quite heated and she embraced every moment of it. If she had not been sure before, now she was totally convinced that she had to see him.

Days passed and she could not contact for fear that her spouse had seen a change.

When she did meet him again, he pulled her to him. He looked down into her eyes and locked his lips onto hers. She did not resist. She could not resist. She felt his body tense up. She shivered at his kiss. He kissed her with such passion. Her body trembled. He lifted his face and looked into her eyes.

"Did you feel that?" He asked. "Nothing has changed. I love you."

He wanted to make love to her but she held back. She knew that if she allowed him to make love to her there was no going back. He understood her reaction and whispered. " I know."

" I just can not go on living without you Emily. The choice is yours," he said.

"Please give me some time," she said.

" I will wait for you Emily. Wishes do come true. None other will suffice. It is you that I want, he whispered.

She looked at his face and saw all that she needed.

January 21, 2022 21:11

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