Life on highway on streets

Written in response to: Write a story about someone going on a life-changing journey.... view prompt



This story contains themes or mentions of substance abuse.

Once a woman who mistakenly went off from her parents home and went to camp with an old rugged man and so so she believes hin John he knows her lost brett and he would help her find him month s went by Lucy not shower looking with Matt hair and smelly and discover old John lied about knowing her lost love as she had not seen Brett in the area and never turn up to the cam but old John heating him being a notorious rapest on getting women drunk then raping them badly and savage.a couple arrest were made and John did some short prison time but got out on baikvand moved his bush camp tent to another location and one time Lucy escaped for good when he tried to get her to dribjta case of beer with him but refusing liedvshr had to go make a call and would be back but she escaped into the sleep and the reason for escaping into the city and old John started to grab her but she hit him on with a bottle and ran .she had another good friend in the city and ge Keith took her this time careful under his wing hag her shower fed and had her hair in Matt.and she looks more normal again thanks to Keith end the end they moved from one motel staycti another ubti housing accommodation act years went by and Lucy having sneak a drink of alcohol and wind up in hospital and Nearly died but recovers well her family had been locate and old friend kieth still on her side she never drank anymore and wind up in a nicer housing unit and into getting books to read and Keith also had his own housing unit in the same Lucy and Keith still remained good friend s years we by avyabd at79 Keith becomes ill and constantly in hospital stay. And later died and Lucy just started carry in strange in a different way not back on alcohol but she would sneak to street library s and hoarding books in her unit but lucky for her she has on going support worker sand a trustee to help her with pest control services.whenneeded.all is well but never would forget Keith so she avoids going out in public as she could not stand other of people anymore saying there is no other Keith so mainly stays home to read and sneaks off when no support drop by so she can go and hoard more books.and this went on .by the way back to old John well he seem to have disappeared from the entire world.rumorvhad it he either got beaten up and killed and maybe died of alcohol consumption . must be a mystery about John missing oh well after so maby years of drinking and raping women he may have been beaten up and killed for his punishment if such a big vicious crime

Well nowvites all over people kids and women can live in peace and Lucy lucky in her love for reading books started writing and published story s on social media app..allsvwell.

But never forget Keith who always stood by her side .and

Yearscgobe by again oldjohn s disappeared recently reviewed he was sentenced to life prison and gotten killed by fellow in least Lucy can live frog him so she often wondered how he lied to her about old boyfriend stayed at the old camp when no site of him in the area lucky though Lucy took notice of an old woman she knew when waned about the truth for old John.she got ten luck to have escaped from the entire life of old John's and his having staying with him she would have died on over her alcohol and not higenic for old John did not care even for himself .luck y she befriended a nicer old man of whomwas Keith.whi help Ed her into a brand new life and this will be the end of story soon John beatb in prison and killed for his punishment and Lucy to thank Keith for help of her great escape from harm and danger of old John clutch es very savage crutches if almost savage raping lucybit she escaped by hitting him hard on the head with a bottle and broke into a sprint away from him and the camp of burden and evil if old John the notorious secret rapist nd why would did he liked getting women drunk to savagely raie them cause he had a severe cases of mental health and refused medication offered him as he denied being I'll he also been a dirt clothes man rags and if Lucy never escaped him she definitely would have died of a poor condition of living but that sometimes will be another story to conclude but the end of nownow other women still don't live in Pearce as there are still more rapist and killing Like old John was and only knew how to rape and the old one of the same old John all over the world

Well someday justice will not prevailing.they all vicious man will get them punished like old John and his life prison and ending up killed by fellow in mate whish was punishment enough .the end they rest of women tried to live hope fully ever after.

The end the end the end of storyso long for my pickup to the shop and escaped his clutches.with old John.and history of the abusive situation toward innocent people long journey of evil which turned out life saving for Lucy though and then good so ever wonder if anyone out there had been lied to malicious oersonyline John well just have to keep heard from ant rumors of that person and list en when time to leave.anothet old woman also stayed at old John s campsite and been raped thru his drunken outrage but she never gotten away as he had killed her in the middle of the savage raping . lucky he ended in prison a d been killed byinmate fellow

July 31, 2023 11:26

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Rebecca Maric
10:31 Feb 05, 2024

Careful who you meet up if in time of trouble and trauma


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Rebecca Maric
11:29 Jul 31, 2023

Quiet violent ad character Lucy really meant to find her lost boyfriend who Brett but with such bad luck on her and all is well then with aclufe change.


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