Flowers celebrate spring

Submitted into Contest #86 in response to: Write a story where flowers play a central role.... view prompt


Sad Inspirational Happy

Write a story where flowers play a central role.

Nivalis flower(the not-land snowflake) on the table. - My sister must have come in. So it's spring. Interestingly, (she takes the plant off the table and walks with it around the kitchen and speaks to it), I used to be like you, a century of spring, happy, smiling, and now I represent the messengers of sorrow and pain. I wish everything that had happened hadn't happened, that the most valuable thing to me, hadn't been dug up. (she's taking and throwing a flower in the trash).

-I wish youd take a place and you withered, instead her!

Aster is a girl of a jolly spirit, communicative, loving for all and in love with life. Her mom named her Aster after the flowers, since she loved flowers. Aster in Greek means star, and our Aster is a star. Wherever she appears, she shines, and that light removes all the sorrow and pain that surrounds us. At least that's how it was until a year ago.

Aster has a sister named Lily (lily), who is her opposite. Lili is a quiet, calm, shy girl, a little spoiled because she is a younger child, but overall a good girl. She loves his sister the most, and sister loves her too. They both have dark hair and dark eyes, although Lily's eye color is sometimes green, which is not the case with Aster, because they are black as night. Although there is a five-year difference between them, everyone thinks they are twins, and that Lily is older, and in fact the opposite is true.

Their mom's name is Rose. Aster looks very much like her. The family says it that she is her little clone. Rose considers herself a happy woman. She has two girls, as she always wanted and a husband who loves her the most in the world. But the Rose, like all roses, has withered.

Exactly a year and a half ago she found out that she had cancer and t hat he was already in the last stage. She also talked to the doctor about possible therapies and treatments. Unfortunately, the doctor said that the only thing she could do was to spend his last days with hers relatives.

She got out of the hospital, got in her car and started crying.

-How to tell them something like this? How can I accept this. Not fair. They are my soul, my daughters, my springs, my flowers. I should have cried for them at the wedding, when they get married, I should have been a proud mom watching them surrender to one that they loves. I need to be a good grandmother, it's not fair. God, please, it's not fair.

She returned home, got out of the car and looked at her garden and beautiful flowers. There was an aster, her star, her first true sincere love in full bloom. Next to her were planted beautiful lilies, her other, tender, warm love. And around them were roses, which protected them from storms and misfortunes.

-Who will protect my star and my lily when I'm gone. Who will hug them, who will wipe away their tears, who will give them their mother's love.

Aster heard her mom come and went out into the yard to greet her.

- You talk to the flowers again (she smiled). What nice are you telling them now?

Mom hugged Aster, then looked into her eyes and said they had bloomed beautifully, that they had become a real mom’s pride, and then she wiped a tear from her eye.

-Are your dad and sister here? We need to talk about something very important.

- Yes, they are, I'll call them - Aster replied.

- Well, Rose, there is no going back, you must be strong for yourself and for them

After she told them the truth, everyone was silent for a while. Aster angrily left the house, Lily went crying into the room and closed herself, and John approached Rose, hugged her and started crying.

-I can't, Rose, I can't do without you. I can do without water and air, but don't take yourself away from me, don't tear my soul and don't break my heart. I will not give you, to anyone, not even to that evil of disease. Don't leave me, we promised in good and evil. Don't leave me in evil without you, please - said John crying.

Rose calmed John down, they sat down and talked about everything. She explained to him that unfortunately, there is no help, and that he will have to get used to life without her, but that he will not be alone, because she will be present in their daughters, their smile, their movement.

When the situation calmed down a bit, over time everyone in the house began to accept the option that a loved one would leave them soon. It is not easy to face the fact that your loved one will leave you and leave. She goes away forever, to a place where you will be able to see him only when the servant of death comes for you. They used the remaining time, as much as they could in the best possible way.


-Aster, where is your sister. Call her and came in. I need something to say.

-Okey, here we are.

-You know today is a year since Mom left us. She prepared letters for the two of you and vowed me to hand them over to you only after a year had passed, when your thoughts, anger subsided. Here they are, read them when you think the time is right (leaves letters on the table).

Lily waited for her father to put the letters on the table, then found a letter addressed to her name and went to her room to read it. She closed the door, sat down on a chair by the window, which had a beautiful view of the garden, and began to read.

Dear Lili,

Gentle my little flower. I know that you suffered the most, and that you cried the most, and I'm sorry, I wasn't there to wipe away your tears and hug you and comfort you that all this will pass. I know you pretend to be strong and cold in front of everyone, and I also know that you break inside yourself. I'm sorry for the pain I caused you, I'm sorry I'm not here when you need me most, but I'm calm again, because I know dad and sister is there with you. I want you to know that I am always with you. Poor father of yours, he sees me in each of you. In the smile, the movement, the character, ah God, great is his sorrow. I am in your hearts, and that is why I know that there are no problems that you and your sister will not be able to solve. I know that you will face and that you will overcome every obstacle that comes your way. I know, it's because my soul knows it. Do you know why with you and Aster named after flowers? Because your names are a sign that spring has come, because you are blooming from the cold winter and surviving, that’s why. And I know you are worthy of those names, and I am proud of you. Stay the way you are, and don't change. Because that strength of yours is your reflection, and I know that the one to whom you surrender your heart will be the most loving person in the world. Take care of dad and sister. Love and beware, and I will keep you from heaven and be in your heart and mind forever.

Love you always, mom

Lily leaned the letter on her chest, looked up at the sky and through tears said, I love you too.

Aster went out into the garden with the letter, sat down, turned so that she was looking at the flowers. She hesitated for a long time whether to read the letter, but in the end she opened it and started reading.

Dear Aster,

My first joy, you are my spring. Because you came into my and your father's life when we needed you the most. You came and brought happiness, and everything blossomed with you. That's why you have the spirit of spring in yourself. Wherever you appear, you shine everything with your light, you drive away sadness with your smile. Always stay that way, cheerful, in love with life. I'm sorry I left you, but I know you'll be fine without me and you'll take good care of dad and sister. Because you do it well, you take good care of those you love, and you love them so beautifully and very much. I'm glad I'm your mom, and you're my spring. Never forget that. You have such a gift, that everyone who is near you will be well, happy, fulfilled. And people like you are rare today. I know that you suffer inside yourself, and that you find it difficult to open up to people and that you are afraid of being hurt. But sometimes people don’t hurt those they love, intentionally. I'm sorry I'm the one who hurt you first, but you know it's not intentional. What mother would intentionally hurt her child. But know, wounds heal or we learn to live with them, every wound is a sign that we are alive. It’s spring, feel free to open up and bloom, and I will always protect and love you. I know you don’t like spring now because it took me. But don’t be angry, every spring brings something new. So, celebrate every spring and be always happy. And looking at you happy, I will be happy too.

I love you my star, mom

Aster dropped the letter, turned to the garden and crying, said I love you too.

Dad and Lily came up to her and hugged her, and then they turned to the garden, looked at the planted flowers, which began to bloom, and their hearts were filled with some indescribable happiness.

"Flowers celebrate spring," Aster said and smiled. 

P...S... sorry if my english is bad :)

March 24, 2021 21:11

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