
Written in response to: Set your story during the hottest day of the year.... view prompt



Nah, that’s all bullshit.   There ain’t no gaps in no ozone.   The extreme leftists made it up so we’d be dependent on foreign oil instead of drilling in the US.   Bastards.   Yea.   It’s the hottest day of the year.   Every time it’s hot, people think the ozone is gone.  Every time it’s cold, they think the Earth’s going away from the sun.   Sometimes it’s just the fucking weather people and it ain’t our fault. Morons.   

      Yes, I know.   According to the fucking meteorologists, it’s the hottest day ever recorded, but that don’t mean it’s ‘cause of holes in no ozone.   Next thing you know they’ll be putting taxes on factories for carbon omissions.   Idiots.  

     See, everything you read about in your leftist newspapers is bullshit.    You can’t trust any of the mainstream media like CNN, NBC, CBS, or any of the media.   The only reliable news source is Fox News.   See, other newscasters cut off Trump during one of his speeches, but Fox didn’t.   Hottest day on record.   It’s bullshit.   They have fake thermometers that give fake temperatures.    They’re trying to raise money for their leftist organizations.   And teach about inappropriate subjects in our schools which comes from our tax dollars.   There ain’t no global warming.    Fox ain’t talking about the hottest day in history and they gots meteorologists.   Warm forecasts, but no hottest day on record.   It’s a scam.   I listen to conservative radio.   One time they be saying there was a hurricane coming, but this DJ knew the truth that it was false news ‘til the liberal bastards forced him out of his DJing ‘cause they believed the bullshit.   

     And, when they tell the real news like Trump won the election, everyone ignores them.   They be telling you the truth.   Evolution is bullshit.   Just like this highest temperature on record is bullshit.  They probably be reading the Celsius side.   Morons.   Hottest day on record?   Right, next thing they’ll tell you is take off all your clothes in public so you can stay cool.   Global warming my ass.    These dumbass stations don’t mention anything to kids about retirement, Roth IRAs, budgeting.   No.  That’s not news.   But they think it’s the hottest fucking day of the year, that’s news.   And some leftist meteorologist is going to tell you the bullshit that’s on the teleprompter about how human carbon omissions are destroying planet Earth.   Assholes.  

    Fox meteorologists want us to drill, cut inflation, cut taxes, cut wasteful spending, shut down the border.   No, CNN isn’t going to cover that, since it’s the hottest day on record.   Liberal assholes.    They’re going to protest when Gore didn’t win the election but be flabbergasted that we protested the votes for Trump weren’t counted.   

    Fucking hypocrites.   Man, we should’ve killed all these liberal assholes on January 6th.   And we even mentioned our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, so people would know why we were committing these acts of revolution.   

    And damn it, Trump won.  Everyone knows that.    And we’d be drilling, minimum inflation, locked borders, and we’d be talking about the weather during meals like ordinary people instead of trying to make it a headline.   Stop ISIS.   Islamic State of Iraq and Seria.   Illegalize Muslims in America.  Jews aren’t flying planes into the World Trade Center, the fucking Muslims are.  In fact, I bet the fucking Muslims are the one feeding the newscasters this bullshit about the hottest day ever recorded.   And I’d bet my left foot that they be making donations to CNN so they be talking about excess heat.  Hottest day recorded?   Turn up your AC, you liberal fucks.   You’re getting subsidized housing off of my taxes.   But not for long.   Then, you bastards will see what the temperature really is when you’re outside homeless since all you scammers have been stopped.  

     In fact, I’m going to write a letter to Trump telling him to cut off all fake news.  And, since we got conservatives in the Supreme Court, they’ll find all the charges against Trump are bullshit.  

         And then these bastards will tell us what the REAL temperature outside is.   And we’ll bring back sharecropping.  Also, nine out of ten Americans want to end women’s suffrage.  

     And we should bring back slavery, prostitution, gambling, keep all guns legal, so we cans defend ourselves.  Also, quit mandating the vaccine shots.   They’re using the shots so the government can track where we are.   Just like when they put chips in dogs.   The virus is fake news.   And it’s the Chinese virus.   Burn down all the fucking Chinese restaurants.   They probably have illegal abortion clinics underneath their floors or maybe they’re building another virus.  

      And the celebrities are communicating with aliens trying to colonize planet Earth.   Motherfuckers.   Maybe the aliens are in the Covid shots.   See, then the bastards can brainwash us.  They don’t think we know what’s going on, but I watch Fox.  

       See, maybe the restaurants are putting the vaccine in our foods.  Maybe the aliens have taken over the supermarkets.   We have to grow our own food on our own farms.   Unless the aliens take over our soil.   Maybe buy organic!   Maybe the aliens are in the air, gotta buy a gas mask.   The G O P needs to write a bill illegalizing aliens from contaminating our air.  

     Or maybe I should contact NASA about colonizing Mars.   The aliens only care about Earth.  Not Mars.  And the government can’t track me on Mars, can they?   I’ll farm up there.   Plow the red stuff.  In fact, I’m going to write Trump right now and tell him about the aliens and he’ll understand and send me there and I’ll vote for him via absentee ballot.  

    Yea, and we’ll start having landfills on Mars.   No mandatory recycling.   I can litter all over Mars and piss out in public, like the good old days.  “Make Mars Great Again.”  

And I’ll bring my wife and kids and we’ll make countries.  

     But, I’ll have to get a new passport or they won’t let me out of the atmosphere.   Maybe there never was an ozone.   Maybe the liberals made it up.   And I bet you the Earth is flat.   And just maybe there were no dinosaurs.   I bet you the fucking liberals made that up and made up the comet idea and the Big Bang thing.   God created the Earth is six days and rested on the seventh.   I pledge allegiance to the Flag under Christ.  Those atheists want to stop the pledge of allegiance because of God, let’s really get under their nerves.   Bastards.  There ain’t no global warming. Everything’s a scam. Liberal bastards.

August 02, 2024 18:21

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