Are You There, God? It's Me, Henry

Submitted into Contest #132 in response to: Start your story with a character saying “Are you there, God? It’s me…”... view prompt


Christian African American Drama

Are You there, God? It’s me, Henry. Listen, Big Guy. I don’t really know You. My mom keeps telling me to talk to You. I don’t know why. It’s not like You’d listen anyway. You’re probably up there wildin’ with the angels or something. I haven’t been to church in years. I bet You’re mad about that, huh? Are You even listening to me? Are You even real? I don’t know who I’m even talking to. Probably just a puff of air. Oh, well. If You’re there, God, please let me get some sleep. If You’re not, then…I’ll just get some sleeping pills. Good night, whoever You are.

I finished scribbling on my journal and went to sleep.

The next day

Hey, God. You still there? Good. Sorry about that rant last night. I guess that’s what You’re for, right? We get to rant to You about our problems and You have to deal with it. Oh, well. Time for school. Wish me luck, God!

Later that night

Hey, God, The final exam is coming up and I’m far from prepared. I have been too busy playing video games. I’m so stupid. God, help me out here, Man. You’re big and powerful. And you seem to know everything. So, can you maybe help me out a bit? That would be great! Thanks, God!

After finals

Hey, God. So, I did well on the exams. Not too bad. I got an A on most of them and a B on a few others. Thanks, God! That means so much to me.

Later in the summer

Hey, God. Can you explain this to me? So, I was at the beach minding my own business and out of nowhere, a tingling sensation started going all over my body. Then I saw a vision of a cornfield. Then a tornado. What was that all about, God? Is there a meaning to this dream? Is my old hometown going to be blown away in a storm? If it is, God, why would You allow this? In fact, why would You allow innocent children to suffer, or people to die? Why so much suffering, God? Why any at all? I don’t understand it. Why can’t we all live in peace and harmony? Was the world not meant to be that way? I want to like You, God, but at this point, You seem to be making it difficult.

Before school

Hey, God. So, I decided to buy a Bible. I told Mom about the dream and she kept bugging me about buying a Bible. So, here I am. I didn’t know where to start, so I asked Mom where I could start. We decided to do a Bible study and started in Daniel and how he interpreted the king’s dreams. And I was blown away.

I asked Mom, “Why don’t we have Daniel in our lives?”

“Well, sweetheart, we don’t exactly need a ‘Daniel’ in our lives. We have the Lord to help us interpret what our dreams mean.”

“So, what did you think that dream about the tornado in the cornfield meant?”

“I don’t know, baby. But I do know is that a few things to do to interpret a dream is to ask God first.”

“Which I did.”

“Okay. And you write the dream down. Jot down as many details as possible.”

I nodded.

After Mom gave me a few more tips, I decided to follow some of them. Writing them down, looking more into the book of Daniel, and talking to God.

Alright, Big Fella. Talk to me. Why are You so silent on this? What does this dream exactly entail? Will my hometown be destroyed? Is this whole thing symbolic? What are You trying to say to me? Is this dream even sent from You? Should I worry about it? Is it just some random dream I should just brush off? Just give me a sign, Man and I’ll follow it.

Middle of the night

God. I’m scared. I’m literally shaking right now. What was that? I had an even scarier dream! What does this all mean? Why are you doing this to me? What are you trying to tell me? Answer me! Please! I’m crying right now! God, are you there? Are you there?! Or am I just talking to air? I’m probably just talking to air. My best friend is right. You really are not real. I should have known I’ve wasted time with You. Good night, whoever you are.

The next morning

Hey, God, or whoever you are. I don’t know who I’m talking to. Probably to myself. Oh well. I couldn’t sleep at all. Thanks a lot.

“Hey, babe,” my girlfriend, Tiffany said. We were both out at my backyard, laying on beach chairs. We were both wearing sunglasses. “You seem quiet today. Everything okay?”

I sighed. “Not really. I’ve been having weird dreams about my hometown.”

“Such as?”

“Well, one dream was about a cornfield in my hometown being destroyed by a tornado.”

She looked to me, raising her sunglasses against her forehead.

“And the other one…” I sighed, trying to fight back tears. “was the same dream, but worse. The hurricane was twice as big and seemed to destroy the whole city.”

“Oh, my God,” she whispered.

“What do you think that means?”

“I don’t know, babe. Hopefully, it was just a nightmare.”

I pressed my lips, then thought of something. “Do you think I should visit my hometown?”

“It’s up to you, Henry. If you think that it’s best.”

“You know what?” I sat up. “I’m going. You wanna come with me?”

She nodded.

We went to Dallas, Texas this weekend. Same town. Same houses. Same cornfields.

Mom lived near me, but she was staying with my Uncle Frank. We used to live with him when I was little after my dad passed away. It’s a two-story house with poor electricity.

“Why, come on in!” Uncle Frank said in his husky voice. He had a tobacco in his mouth. He led us into the living room.

“Hey, uncle. This is my girlfriend, Tiffany. We’re just here to visit.”

“Nice to meet ya, darlin’.” Uncle Frank beamed at Tiffany, then to me. “Why don’t y’all go ‘head and have a seat? Can I get y’all somethin’? Ya like a light?”

“No sir. We’re good. Is Mom here?”

“Yessir. Mahalia!” He called to his older sister.

My beautiful mother stepped down the wooden staircase.

“Yes, Fra- Oh, hey! There’s my handsome son!” She walked over to kiss me on the cheek. “And his beautiful wife-to-be!” She hugged Tiffany. “So, what’s goin’ on?”

“Just wanted to say ‘hi’.” I leaned to my mother to whisper. “And to tell you about another dream I had.”

“Well, why don’t you share it over here?” She walked to a couch and motioned me towards the one across from her. I sighed as I sat down, resting my feet against the rug. Tiffany sat next to me and Uncle Frank sat next to Mom.

I took in a deep breath. I told everyone about the two dreams I’ve had and how they have kept me up. I didn’t know why they were special enough to tell my loved ones this, but I felt that I had to.

“Wow, son,” Uncle Frank said, chuckling weakly. “Those are some bad dreams there.”

“What do you think it means, uncle?” I asked, hoping that he would have an answer for me.

“Welp…” He switched his tobacco to the other side of his mouth. “It could mean a lot of things. Figuratively or literally. I ain’t good at interpretin’ dreams, but I’ll try my best. Maybe there’s a storm comin’.”

“A-a figurative or literal one?”

“I don’t know, son,” he said, slightly impatient. “Like I said, I’m not good with dreams.”

I nodded.

“I’ve had a lot of crazy dreams during the Navy. Yessir. It was a lotta crazy dreams. One of ‘em was an elephant stompin’ on some of my soldiers.”

I tried not to laugh. It sounded ludicrous.

“Another one is a few ballerinas twirling around in the minefield without gettin’ hurt.”

“Wow, uncle. You sure had some…interesting dreams.”

“Yeah. But the one that stuck out to me the most was me dyin’ and goin’ on to Heaven.”

I didn’t want to even think about my uncle, or my other loved ones dying.

“What exactly did ‘heaven’ look like?”

“Mm. Like what you probably could imagine. Clouds everywhere. A bright light. Angels singin’.”


We continued with our talk of dreams. That night, I did more research on prophetic dreams. I looked more into the book of Daniel, then the story of Joseph, but I still couldn’t figure out what these dreams meant.

I prayed again to God.

God, if You’re there, please give me a sign. What do these dreams mean? I really want to know! If You do, I will give my life to You. And I’m not just saying that. I really will do it. Good night, God. If You can hear me.

“Son, son! Wake up!

I stirred, being in the process of waking up. “What’s going on?” I put on my glasses and faced Mom, my eyes still half open.

“You have to hear this.” Before I could respond, she grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the guest room. Uncle Frank and Tiffany were already down in the living room. The television was on. It was set to the news channel.

“Breaking news!” Tom Hawkins said. “A hurricane will be coming to Dallas, Texas!”

Uncle Frank had us store food and other belongings and hide in a cellar. The news reporter predicted that the hurricane may come by this afternoon. We stayed in there by then. Meanwhile, we sang a few hymns. Well, mostly Uncle Frank and Mom. Tiffany and I just sat in silence.

I took out my journal and furiously wrote in it.

God, why are You doing this? Is this part of Your sick plan? To kill us all? What did we do to You? Is it because of my disbelief in You? What are you trying to tell us. Just tell us and we’ll listen!

Hours have gone by. I didn’t know about the others, but I took a nap. I napped until Mom woke me again.

“We can get out now, son.”

We exited the cellar. Thankfully the house was intact. We looked around the neighborhood and it looked like nothing was touched. Did the hurricane even happen at all?

We drove around and saw that the hurricane had indeed come. The crops near the farm were completely destroyed. But the farm itself was still standing. Tom Hawkins told us that no one hurt during the storm.

We all hugged and cried, happy that we were all okay.

That night, I wrote in my journal again.

God, thank You so much for saving us. Yes, there were a few crops and houses that were completely destroyed, but I’m glad everyone was okay. Hopefully the houses will be rebuilt and the crops will grow again, but I doubt it. I still don’t know why You allowed this to happen, but for some reason, I’m trusting in You. I know You’re not doing this to harm us, but to test. At least that’s what my mom has told me. My mom prayed nonstop and I decided to join her. She cried and spoke in tongues. I don’t know how anyone does that without learning it. She told me that it is a gift from You. Someday, I’ll give my life to You, Big Guy. I don’t know when and I don’t know how. But someday, I will.

A week later

Hi, God! Guess what? I gave my life to You! Isn’t that exciting? I got baptized at Mom’s church. The water was…cold. I don’t know what to feel. I’ve never gotten ‘saved’ before. People kept telling me that I won’t regret this decision. I hope not. Others have told me that it won’t be easy being saved. We have to be committed to You. Like we have to obey the commandments such as reading Your book, communicating with You, and sharing Your Good News. I’ve tried that with Tiffany and she wouldn’t listen. I then tried sharing it with my friends, but they rejected it also. Well, not all of them. One of them stayed and heard what I had to say. He went to church with me and said that he enjoyed himself. Hopefully, like me, he’ll have a relationship with You.

God, ever since I gave my life to You, things were different. I’ve lost friends, but gained new ones. I lost my job, but got a new one. I stopped doing the things I used to do. I broke the habits of smoking and playing video games. I’ve been doing more Bible studies with Mom and continued talking to You all night. This is awesome, God! Thank You for allowing me to be Your friend! I wish some of my other friends could be Your friend. They would love You! Well, talk to You later, God! Thanks for being a good Friend. I love You!

February 07, 2022 00:13

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