Drama Fiction Contemporary

It's a momentary lapse of judgment. I concluded that was what made me open the boisterous voice note sent to me just thirty minutes ago.

"The gathering is tonight! You had to join us!"

I cursed aloud, scrambled to close the voice note. Yet, that is still too late. The other side has known that I had opened the message.

Now, what can I do? I did not doubt that they would call me when they realized that fact.

It seems that I had to restrain myself from using my phone, at least until the party started. With a resolute nod, I shut my phone down. It's better that way. I would get a much calmer afternoon without the phone's notification that would buzz off without stopping.

Especially since the only thing I had planned today was curling on my couch with this book that had been on to be read list for three months.

After hiding the phone in the bedroom's dark corner, I shed my working suit in favor of breezy and comfy clothes.

Humming to myself, I began to collect all things I need for the relaxing time I had been looking forward to ending these long, agonizing weeks.

All the books have been prepared. So was the comfy pillow and the fluffy blanket. The electric kettle is also ready. Now it leaves the snacks and the chocolate drinks to complete this evening.

Sadly, no snacks can be found in my kitchen, not even in my emergency safe. And the chocolate instant drink that I use to treasure only remains one pitiful sachet.

Wait, that's right. I brought those snacks to the office last Thursday. When our manager one-sidedly announces overtime to correct some reports that had been messed up by our department's new interns.

I groaned aloud. Sure, without snacks and those chocolates, my evening would still be okay. But it won't be as perfect as I portray it.

With a grumble, I take my wallets, put my coat on, making sure that I was somewhat decent, before grabbing keys from their holder beside the door leading outside.

Thankfully it is still bright outside, and my grumpy neighbor still hasn't come home. That means I can ride my motorbike easily without having to struggle to get it out of the garage.

Within seconds, the motorbike has on, and I am on my way to the supermarket. Now that I am out, I think I would grab groceries after making sure all snacks and chocolate drinks have been accounted for.


I just got on the first junction down the road when a familiar car passed on the opposite lane. I think their driver has seen me since a honking sound echoed loudly on the busy street following our encounter, earning angry buzz from unrelated passersby.

I immediately turned into the first alley that appeared before my eyes. Something I rarely do, but I can't avoid now.

Should I have brought my cell phone with me earlier? But doing so will only make it easier for them to track down. I grumbled in annoyance. Again regretting my hesitation to block the names of my co-workers. Our infrequent contact wasn't worth all the trouble I get for a moment of rest.

Or should I just gives up for the day and asks them to leave me alone for the next gathering? But I doubt they would really let me. 

Ah, I hate socializing. Can those people see that I had enough of meeting for the day?

Grumbling, I continued to follow the road, no matter which way it led. Left, right, another left turn. I followed the road mindlessly until I had to stop before the T-junction leading to a narrow roadway in the middle of the rice fields. 

Should I continue?

I wasn't equipped to cross the windy road ahead. And I can imagine how hard it would be when another vehicle came from the opposite lane.

Fearfully, I looked back. Only to find an empty road with a bike or motorbike at a distance. 

Phew, thank God. It seems I had successfully thrown them off. 

Now that I had been free, there's no reason for me to traverse that narrow road. I turned my motorbike around with a happy heart and began to take the path that I assumed would bring me to the main road. 

But instead of directly goes to the supermarket as I planned, I decided to stop by a random food stall. Preferably the one with a crowded parking lot, so it won't be easy for anyone to find me.

I found a fitting food stall effortlessly. Yet seems that my luck had run out at the same time. 

The car that I had been avoiding this whole evening parked on the inconspicuous side of the food stall. And I can hear the booming sound of one of my department's new interns from a distance. 

Oh, God. What the chance...! Why did they choose this food stall located kilometers away from our office? Did one of those guys had awakened some foodie spirit when I didn't see them?

Biting the urge to wail at the ridiculous occurrences, I hurriedly ride the motorbike that I just parked. 

Should I just go home and forget about the perfect afternoon I had portrayed?

Well, since their car was parked nicely at that food stall, that means they had given up on persuading me to go, right?

I hope so. And I hope I didn't tempt fate to prove my belief wrong. 


It was dark when I arrived home. And I can't help but feels the long, bizarre trip I take this entire evening had deprived my soul today.

With a slump, I sat in front of the door, hugging the snacks that were supposed to accompany me tightly. I know I should store them away before enjoying my quiet time on the couch as I was supposed to do. 

But I am too tired to do so. 

Ah, who did I offend, that I can't enjoy my planned quiet time this time?

July 27, 2021 20:23

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