ODD Place For Water

Submitted into Contest #234 in response to: Write a story about someone whose time is running out.... view prompt

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Drama Inspirational

This story contains sensitive content

 Disclaimer: This story has topics of euthanization. PLease be advised.

It looks like water, but it is not coming from what I usually drink out of, and I have drunk out of some real doozies let me tell you. Have you ever been so thirsty for water that you will drink it out of anything, well, almost anything. I am not sure I should drink it from where its coming from now. I am not sure it is really safe. Although, it is the third time I have seen water flow like this. Let me tell you about the first time it happened.

 I was in the backseat of this shiny black car, and I looked in the mirror and I could see it. It was like magic. It just showed up. Maybe it has something to do with the car, it looks new, the screen has all kinds of weird buttons, and this backseat is very slippery.  In fact, if my butt stopped sliding all over this backseat, I would climb up front and get a drink, but somehow, I think that would not be appropriate. I can wait. I am sure there will be some water whenever I stop.

…Ok, hold on, just telling this story is making me thirsty. I got to take a drink of water and then I will tell you about the second time. Plus, and I know this is going to sound weird, but I like the fact that I can just have a drink whenever I want. Yeah, I know that was weird, but seriously, anytime I want. Anytime…

All right, the second time I had just left this hotel, if you could even call it that, but that’s a different story. This time, I was the thirstiest I had ever been in my life. It felt like I had not had water in days, but I was also extremely hungry so that tends to skew up my timeline. So, I jumped in the backseat of this car that looks just like the model I was in the first time, so you know I was already gripping my nails in the seat to keep from sliding everywhere. Then I remembered that the driver was able to get water so maybe this one had the same features. As if by some weird mindreading skill there is water. I could not believe it. Here I was, so extremely thirsty I could feel my body twitch as I was about to, literally, leap over the seats, face first and dive in. I almost didn’t care what this person would think, but the thought of having to share this action choice with my therapist did bring a bit of embarrassment to my rationale. So, I looked at the driver in the mirror and smiled. Oddly, this driver looks a lot like the other driver that picked me up the first time this happened. Oh my gosh, even smells like the other driver, or is that because it’s the same model of car?


This is definitely time for another water break. If you need one as well, and I am thinking you do, go take one and I will meet you back here in five…Cool?

It really is so amazing to me that I can just stop whatever I am doing and get a drink of water. Knowing that I have to trust that there will be more the next time I want a drink is a concept I am working on. Well, the whole trust thing is a concept I am working on, but I am sure you have had to work on that trust thing as well, so you understand.

So, from my calculations I have told you about the first and second time I saw water show up from this place. That means this is the third time and I am deciding whether or not to take a drink. Same kind of car, same slippery backseat, and since I have decided that it is the same driver as before I feel more secure in my moving to the front to explore this phenomenon.   I have decided the slow and casual move is better than engaging my athletic skills because it allows me some time to retreat should the driver become angry at my crossing the social boundary. Well, here I am in the front seat, just looking out the window waiting for a moment to sneak in for a closer look at the driver. I stretch my neck and lazily lay my head down as I search for the beginning of where this water comes from. Wait, there it is, right above that beautiful smile the driver just gave me when I laid my head down. The water is coming from her face, more precisely, her eyes. WOW!!!! That is amazing. I never realized humans could produce water straight from their eyes. Fascinating. I wonder what happens to them to do this. Let’s recap. The first time I saw it, I was leaving this cramped 2-bedroom apartment and heard the next day I was going to be put down, which was weird because I was already laying down. This driver shows up, puts me in their car and takes me to a new home where I really didn’t fit in or so they said. Second time, that scary packed hotel I was dropped off at and had to sleep with one eye open. Luckily, I got picked up by this driver before they gave me something that would close both my eyes for good. I heard the lady at the front desk say it was called sedation or something like that. Third time is now, in this car in this garage it is happening again. This time though there is a smile on their face as the water flows. They grab my leash and lead me out of the car and into a warm home. I hear them say, “Baby, we are home.” Before I can really let those words sink in, I spy a shiny silver bowl in the corner that has the words Nela’s Water Bowl written above it. Wait, is that what I think it is? A large clean bowl of water just for me? I look up at the driver as they take off my leash and tell me that is my water bowl. This time I cannot help it; my athleticism takes on a life of its own and I bounce right over to the water. Right before I take my first drink, I look up in time to see the other human, “Baby”, come into the room. I see they are both looking at me and producing water from their eyes. It is at that moment I decide. I think I will drink from my water bowl instead.

January 27, 2024 04:29

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Sofia Odumboni
22:24 Feb 28, 2024

Great story! I loved the unique perspective and the way the dog kept on getting distracted! I hope you keep writing like this!


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