Four Secrets and a Wedding

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt

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Drama Fiction

The lavish ballroom was filled with laughter, clinking glasses, and the enchanting music of a live orchestra. For Amelia and David, the world had narrowed down to a cozy little corner, away from the prying eyes of the wedding guests. Amelia clutched her champagne flute, feeling an undeniable tension in the air that she just couldn’t shake off.

“I still can’t believe you are doing this,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. She glanced over at the nearby crowd, where people were chatting and enjoying each other's company as they eagerly awaited the ceremony to begin.

David chuckled softly. “And I still can’t believe you actually showed up.”

“Well,” she said with a slight pout, “at first, I wasn’t going to. It seems like a glutton for punishment to show up at your lover’s wedding. Secretly, I was hoping—”

“That I’d change my mind and run off with you?” he interrupted. He leaned in closer, his eyes meeting hers in a way that sent shivers down her spine. “I’ve told you a million times already.”

“I know,” she whispered sternly, her eyes searching his before downing the remaining champagne in her glass. “I’m not going to do anything stupid. I’ll still secretly hope, though.”

The moment was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. It was the bride’s maid of honor, eyeing them with a raised eyebrow. She gave Amelia a quick, scrutinizing glance before turning her attention to David. “It’s time. The guests are about to take their seats, and the officiant wants to have a quick word before we kick things off.”

David gave a quick nod and headed off, the maid of honor shooting Amelia a look that could kill before trailing right behind him. She understood why the woman was judging her; after all, she was cozied up in a corner with the groom. If the woman only knew the truth—that she had been having an affair with him for over a year now—and now here she was, attending the wedding. She wasn’t exactly feeling proud in this moment. If one of her friends were in her shoes, she’d probably say it was crazy to be there, and even crazier to be involved with a man who wasn’t entirely hers. She really wanted to grab another drink, but they were already guiding the guests to find their seats in the main room.

As soon as she walked in, she was absolutely captivated by how stunning the venue was. Beautiful white flowers adorned the walls, and the floor gleamed with lovely white marble. Trendy clear seats were neatly arranged in rows, and the soft glow of lit candles scattered throughout created the perfect touch of elegance. She spotted David at the front of the room, right next to the officiant, giving his suit a little tug to make sure he looked just right. Without concern for which side was for the bride or the groom, she quickly slipped into the last row in the back and took a seat. She couldn’t help but think she was losing her mind, repeating it to herself like a mantra: You’re crazy. You’re crazy. YOU’RE CRAZY. With a deep breath, she let her head drop and pondered, "Why are you here?”

“Excuse me?" A voice caught her off guard, and she quickly realized she had spoken her thoughts out loud. She had completely overlooked the young man sitting beside her.

“I’m so sorry about that,” she chuckled softly and shook her head. “I was just thinking out loud, not talking to you.”

He laughed along with her. “I understand. I was asking myself the same thing.”

“Oh?” she replied, her curiosity piqued. He seemed deep in thought, as if something was truly weighing on his mind.

“The woman I’ve been seeing decided to end things last night, and I—" He paused and waved his hands, realizing he might have shared a bit too much.

“Oh wow, I’m sorry. That must have been terrible for you.”

“Yeah, I don’t even know why I’m here. I wasn’t invited, and honestly if she saw me, I think she’d have a real meltdown! But this will be closure,” he said, nodding as though he were still trying to convince himself.

“Is she a guest here?” Amelia asked, looking around, eager to dig a little deeper. She had a feeling he might be sitting on a secret as intriguing as hers. He paused for a beat before finally admitting, “Nope, not a guest. She is the one that’s going to be making her way down the aisle in a white dress, and it’s happening right about now.” Just then, the classic wedding tune for the bride’s arrival began to play, and all the guests rose to their feet in anticipation.

Her eyes widened as she jumped to her feet. The bride made her grand entrance, radiating beauty and joy, with a huge smile on her face. It was clear to everyone that this was the happiest moment of her life. The bride kept her eyes locked on David's, and Amelia noticed the tears streaming down his face. They were joyful tears, not the "I think I've made a mistake" kind. At that moment, Amelia felt a pang in her heart, realizing that the dream of being with David in the way she had always imagined had officially slipped away. She understood that it was time to let him go.

Next to her, the man was quietly sobbing, clearly feeling the weight of the moment. “What’s your name?” she gently asked, leaning in closer. “Mi-Mi-Michael,” he managed to reply, wiping his nose. “Well, I’m sleeping with the groom, Michael,” she confessed. He looked at her in disbelief, clearly at a loss for words.

They both watched as the bride and groom stood together, holding hands, and sharing a moment that was entirely their own. They watched as the couple read their vows to one another, declaring their undying love, and promising to be loyal and faithful to each other. Amelia and Michael both laughed at that part, loud enough for a few people to glance their way disapprovingly.

“Do you, David, take Lisa to be your lawfully wedded spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?” the officiant recited. Amelia held her breath for a moment and released it when she heard David confidently answer, “I do.” The same lines were said to Lisa, and she replied, “I do.” They kissed, and the crowd erupted in applause. Amelia and Michael were the only two in the room who did not share in the joy.

“Hey, want to grab a drink?” Amelia suggested, turning to Michael with a hopeful smile.

He nodded and replied, “I do.”

August 17, 2024 19:45

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1 comment

Marisa Cascio
18:48 Aug 28, 2024

Haha, I love the concept of this and would love to see more!


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