What’s Sip? What’s Sup?

Written in response to: Start a story that begins with a character saying “Speak now.”... view prompt


Crime Inspirational Teens & Young Adult




Important to remember that just about anything and everything is open to a debate nowadays. For purposes of communication, let’s explore the 93% rule.


Of non verbal communication accounts for our conversation.


Words are coming out of our mouths.


We are communicating a whole bunch of other information. Simultaneously.

Who knew?

Experts, most likely.

The moment we awaken each and everyday, it is as if we are told to “Speak now”. And off to the daily race we go.

Verbally. Non verbally.

Nine types of non verbal communication include:

Body language. How a person positions their body in the environment depending on the situation, environment and how they are feeling.

Movement. The way you move your arms and legs such as walking quickly or slowly, standing, sitting fidgeting, can all convey a message.(wk)





Facial expressions.

Eye contact.


What’s SIP?


What’s SUP.

Slang for “What is going on.” What is happening……

Communicology is a thing.

Cosmetology is a thing too.

One can either compliment the other.

Or bring two sides to a war😳.

I yearn for a day when it does not ever matter what a person looks like.

Until then.

Kindness and graciousness should be spoken throughout the day. Whether talking or tapping.

As well as a think before you touch send type of manner borne behavior modification.

Communication provides a way of talking about and analyzing key events, processes, and commitments that together form communication. (wk)

And. Boy oh boy. Can it become complicated. Wayyyyyyyyyyy too complicated. Some folks would rather be here than there or there than here and communication may even become an incitement of violence.

Hiding behind a screen takes on little importance due to a modern day beaut called “tracking”. IE. You can run , but you cannot hide.😕.

Message received?

The sender sends a message, through a channel (transmitter to receiver) the destination is the person or the thing for whom the message is intended. The message, the “Mittere” is “to send”. The message is a concept, information, communication, a statement is sent in a verbal, written, recorded, or visual form to the recipient.(wk)

The feedback and the positive and/or negative effects.

As with anything thing in life, debatability reigns in the absurd and obnoxious and perhaps replaces it with common sense and relatability.

There is a lot to be said for subjectivity.


There is a lot to be said of subjectivity.

Philosophy, ethics, logic, and metaphysics all play a role in the creation and transmission of the message between sender and receiver.

This can either contribute to a total black out, power drain communication break down, or be a useful tool in the progression of a common sense approach to “Speak now” in the course of a day.

What’s SIP.

What’s SUP.

The scope of the nature of knowledge.

The philosophical scope renders itself to the truth and justification of a matter. Potential sources of knowledge and justified belief include perception, reason, memory and testimony. Foundational beliefs, and whether or not justification requires a coherent set of beliefs. Skepticism is the philosophical and knowledgeable claim that reasonability exists.

Knowledge. Either by prescription or by acquaintance has its drawbacks and it’s fans. It is never fair to go straight to the back of the book for the answer.

Priori=knowledge gain, known independently, or posterior is knowledge gained through experience.

Throw into the equation the concept of a belief. A belief is an attitude. An attitude that a person holds regarding anything that they take to be true.(wk)

Dispositions. Interpretive schemes. Mental states. All can skew or stir the pot of confusion when the goal is to “Speak now”.

Some may interpret this as “Speak my truth”. And that is fine and good except it is not the productive way of release a victim from a perpetrator. Truth is the property or state of being in accordance with facts or reality.

What’s SIP.

What’s SUP.

Is truth relative? Absolute? A perspective? A justification? Rational? Irrational? Internal? External? Social? Anti-social?

Face to face. In person.

Face to face.On a screen. Via a screen.

Social Influence. Social Influencer—telling a story without a written word.

How does communication exist without the written word. Without the precious a, b, c’s of life. The CAT of life—the Communication Accommodation Theory asserts that SIP was conceptualized by addressing the shortcomings of other theories that addressed communication mediums.

Presentation of self. The ultimate influencer? Not necessarily the ultimate connector. Of the sender and the receiver. The three selfs we portray as we walk out the front door, or look down at our camera hand are actual self, ideal self, and ought self. That which we actually possess, that which we hope to convey, that which we feel we should convey.

Add into the stew of self the spices of emotion—happiness, fear, regret and we have quite a pot a boiling.

Carl Rogers asserts there is yet another self, that which is. Who it is. A self not concerned with the future like the ideal or ought self. The true self.

Rogers asserts the true self as the self that exists psychologically and is not always fully expressed within social settings like the actual self.

What’s SIP.

What's SUP.

Did you know, individuals tend to like each other better when they meet online instead of meeting face to face. Basically because they can control their narrative. One can look at this two ways. Good and bad.

The world keeps changing at a rapid pace.

Impression management.Favorable to individuals as they feel they can control the situation and the environment. Strategic or unconscious. Message sent. Message received?

Who knows.

Cues help.

Cues may not help.

What makes an individual feel they must document their every activity, every movement, every sip of a frappucino or mimosa? Validation that they have arrived? Validation they are cool? Validation that they like sweet drinks and hope for you to run out and grab one too?☕️🧋

Simply so excited with drink in hand. Sharing the moment. Perhaps did not want to drink alone amongst the hundreds or thousands plus persons checking their feed?

Or a hope for deeper connection of something unexplainable. And invisible. Hmmmmmm.

What’s SIP.

What’s SUP.

March 20, 2023 21:48

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