Deranged Outside.

Written in response to: Write a story about an unlikely group (or pair) of friends.... view prompt


Fiction Friendship

Some people were the same. And some were different. But those different people always found their way. There were once four friends. One, normal. Everyone knew them as being unsuspected. Overlooked most of the time. Then, there was the bad one. Always broke the rules. Thought he would make her bad when they started being friends. Then there was the nerd. She stayed to herself. The good girls' best friend. And then the gamer boy. He was loud and widespread. The bad boys' best friend. They were the most unexpected group of friends. But they kept a dark secret between the four. You see the girl that was always unsuspected, was actually a spy.

You see, it was no ordinary school that the four went to. In fact, it was a prison. But they were trained to keep their mouths shut about it. Their parents were all dead. They had to go here instead of to a boarding school or live in an orphanage. So they suffered here instead. It was a basic boarding school, but they were abused constantly. The most minor rule was broken, and you paid the price. The government sent her in as a spy so that they could gather information about it. It was a top-secret school. No one knew about it on the outside, except the government. She was a very good spy, and no one would have known, except for once when her spy headset was on her desk.

They were walking past her room with the door open and huddled around the door. Others just kept walking. They questioned her and questioned her until she gave in and told them. Since then, they were forced into being best friends. They were the tightest group of friends to ever exist. If the secret ever got passed around, the entire school would burn, and they knew it. They would never be rescued. They would never get out. So they had to keep this secret, even if they didn't want to. So they went from four strangers who were barely associated with each other to best friends in the hour. So they were officially best friends and the closest, tightest friend group at the school.

Some knew they were hiding something. What? No one had a clue. Others called them the arranged friend group, as there was no way in a million years they would have expected the group to be this close with each other. But it was fine with them. They fought a lot, but they never stopped being friends. Ever. Sometimes they were close to doing it, but they knew better and chose not to. Trust between the four was most definitely the most important part. The first week, they basically all huddled around each other to make sure the secret didn't spread. When they figured out that no one would say anything, they laid off each other. They were more like close friends than four people that were found basically on top of each other every minute.

Trust became a huge part of their lives. That fear spread to all of them when there was someone knew who wanted to join their group. He saw them coming out to lunch as a group and walked toward them. He pretended to be like them. But they instantly basically backed away and tried to run away from the newcomer. Little did they know, he was a big jock. He loved sports and was a very fast runner. So the group was immediately caught up to them. They still had their guard up. They had lunch with him, as he was new. But they basically just whispered to the people next to each other about what they were really thinking. The gamer tried to be nice to him. But they were not really in need or want of a new member.

The leader of the group, the regular girl, was really not appreciative of him joining their group. She saw him spreading the secret. They would all have to stick by him like creeps. She knew that he would not like the friend group. So she told him that if he wanted to join the track team, he better run along and sign up. He shook his head and said he'd already signed up. The bad boy pointed out all the other jocks, to show him where they thought he might be better at. He still wouldn't budge. The group was really confused. No one had wanted to join the group before. And they did not want a new member. Especially now. But the nerd girl, quietly sitting there, not trying to kick him out began to develop a bit of a liking towards him.

She took the leader aside. "Please let him stay. He will be good. We'll just not tell him about the secret." Sighing, the normal girl nodded. She had never heard her want anything more. So she gave in. And before they knew it, he was in the friend group. Quickly though, he figured out that they were keeping a secret, and he felt quite left out. He just wanted to be like them. It was hard for him to be new. And now, he felt like an outsider. He tried to get in on it, but it was an unspoken swear that the four made to keep everyone-even him-out of it. They decided that there was nothing that would make them change their mind. One day, he overheard the popular girl talking. About school. He knew there was no contact between parents, especially because they were dead.

And even the alive ones wanted nothing to do with them. He opened the door, to see the normal girl in awe. He saw the wire and grabbed it. She shut the door. They argued back and forth until she admitted to the secret. Once the truth was out, the friends were much more open to him. He really felt included. The most unexpected group of friends, the "deranged outside" that everyone saw, was nothing like the inside. And although no one could see it, they could. And it wasn't deranged on the inside.

June 07, 2022 01:05

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