Fiction Romance Drama

“Okay two pairs of pants, three shirts... Should I bring a nice dress or a casual dress?”

I paced in front of my dresser. This was likely going to be my biggest convention yet. I still couldn't believe I'd been chosen to go. Here I was still only a level two in my career path and I was invited to go to the regional marketing convention!

Of course, I worked my very hardest at all of the work I do, but still. I was only three years into my career. I'd made quick progress and my superiors always told me what potential I had, but what about the other designers?

I knew designers who had six years experience and had still only been to maybe one or two local shows. It was a tough job to have and I knew so many people who never received much recognition.

“I'll stick with this one.” I grabbed a lavender sundress from my closet. Holding it against myself I gave myself a look in the mirror hanging on the back of my closet door.

“Yup, this works.” I tossed it on to my bed and shut my closet door.

Just as I shut the door my phone began to ring. I leapt to my bed. I snatched up my phone from where it was sitting on my coral comforter.

I hoped it was my manager checking in to see if I was ready for my flight yet. I wasn't due at the airport for another four hours, but I was beyond ready to leave already.

I wasn't my boss, however, it was my friend Teddy. I swiped my thumb across the screen to accept the call.

I held the phone up to my ear. “What is it, Teddy?”

“I just wanted to check in and see if you're ready yet.”

“I think I am...” I paused. “I'm excited, but I'm also very nervous-you know?”

“I know you've got this!”

He always had my back. All the way back to when we met in college. We were sophomores in the same English class. He complimented my dress. It was one I'd sewn myself over the summer.

That was back when I wanted to make clothes. I had wanted to be a fashion designer for forever. In high school I spent almost all of my free time sewing clothes and playing with fabric. It was what I was known for.

Now I design the mainstream clothing inspired by the runway. It's a good job; I do really enjoy it. It's a new dream of sorts.

“Thanks, Teddy.” I took one look over my shoulder at my suitcase sitting open on my bed. “You're still driving me to the airport right?”

“Of course.”

“And you'll be here in...” I checked my watch. “About three and a half hours?”

“That'd be it.”

“Okay, sounds good!” I smiled. My trip was coming together and drawing closer by the minute.

“I'll let you go, because I know you probably still have some stuff to do.”

“Oh, yeah, I have a little I need to wrap up. See you later, Teddy.”

“Okay, bye Ronnie.” The call ended.

I set my phone down on my bed and zipped my suitcase up. In a little more than four hours I would be on my way to a new state. I'd be jet setting for a new adventure. Three days of a new experience. Was I ready?

I slid my maroon suitcase off of my bed and set it upright on the floor. I know I've got this. I don't have time for doubt.

“Are you sure you needed to pack this much?” Teddy strained to lift my suitcase into his trunk.

“Hey I gotta pack plenty of samples!” I continued scrolling through my phone. “Plus I have my design equipment.”

“Are you sure this is going to pass the weight check?” Teddy shut his trunk and sighed.

“I'm sure it'll be fine.” I shrugged. “I'll find out when I get there.” I chuckled.

Teddy laughed too. “I hope you're right, because we're already running late.”

So we hopped in his SUV and hit the road. Thankfully I only lived about half a hour from the airport or I'd be in big trouble. Still I tapped my foot nervously on the floor of the passenger side. This was a big trip. Maybe this would be what shows my manager that I deserve a raise.

I'd be saving up quietly to be able to move to a bigger city. The design company I worked for had three locations. I worked at the smallest of the three. I knew I wasn't wrong for having aspirations, but it also meant leaving behind my friends.

It had been hard enough leaving my parents in my hometown. I'd lived in this city for the past five years. I had weekly girl's night, I had the park I ran in... I even had one night a week that I'd go over to Teddy's to watch the newest episode of our favorite show.

My job meant so much to me. I put in a lot of work to be good at what I do. I do have a lot of potential and that could lend to my success at one of the bigger offices.

I took a deep breath. I can't focus so much on that right now. Live in the moment. That's what my sister would say.

“Hey, how're you doing over there?”

I smiled meekly at Teddy. “I'm good.”

“Don't worry, we'll make it there in time.” He gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.

“Okay.” I sunk a little lower in my seat. He could probably tell something was on my mind. Teddy's good at reading me like that.

I held my breath as we pulled into the drop-off lane at the airport.

I took one last look back at Teddy. I'd see him when I got back. I'm fine. Not nervous at all.

“Take care, Veronica.” He smiled slightly.

Veronica? Since when was I anything but Ronnie to him? I nodded in his direction. I didn't have time to be worrying about him too.

The hotel was beautiful. My room was spacious and had the most amazing view of the city skyline. I couldn't be happier.

The next two days flew by. I almost couldn't keep up, because it seemed an hour went by in the blink of an eye.

I enjoyed meetings and workshops, runways and Q&A's. Everything I could attend, I did. I learned so much and my boss invited me to a dinner on the last night.

That led me to this moment. Pacing my hotel room I tried to clear my head. I couldn't psych myself out. It was probably just a casual dinner to wrap up the convention. She probably just wanted to congratulate me on all I accomplished while here.

But what if? What if she was going to offer me a raise? Or a promotion? Or a transfer? What would I say if she offered me any of those things?

I stood tall in the mirror. I looked up and down, taking in all that was me. I'm glad I chose this lavender sundress. All I needed was my silver key necklace.

I walked to the bathroom to grab it off of the counter. My hand hovered over the necklace for a second. Instead I grabbed my phone. I turned it on. A notification from my best friend was waiting for me on the lock-screen.

I opened my phone and walked back to my bed. I sat down to read it when I heard a knock at the door.

“They can wait.”

I started reading the text. I read it once. And then twice. And then again. My eyes darted to the door. I held my breath for a second. The person on the other side knocked again-louder this time.

I let it out and rose from my bed. I dialed my boss's number and put the phone on speaker. I bit my lip as it rung.

“Veronica, so nice to hear from you! Are you on your way down?”

“Yes, Janet. I just wanted to ask you something.” I walked closer to the door.

“Yes, of course.” I could hear her tapping her acrylic nails on a wooden surface. Probably a side table. She was definitely in the lobby though. I could hear someone checking into the hotel in the background.

“I wanted to know if I could be considered for a promotion to a design team lead.” I played with the braided belt on my dress. I knew the answer I needed, but would I get it?

“Did Mark really already give away my plan?” She laughed.

I sighed in relief. “No!” I laughed. “I just was hoping to be considered after having such a good convention.”

“Well I was hoping to wait until dinner to tell you so we could toast to it, but yes I have a position in Philadelphia as a design team leader I'd like to offer you.”

“Yes!” I blurted. “I mean yes, I'd like to accept the position.”

“Oh good! Well hurry on down here so we can go celebrate!”

The person at the door knocked once more. This time their hand lingered on the wood for a second.

“Okay, see you in a minute.” I hung up my phone.

So much of me wanted to smile, but I knew who was on the other side of my door. I also knew that I had just made an important decision that I had to live with. I couldn't change my mind now. It was what it would be. I acted on all I'd gotten from a text. I only prayed now that in being selfish I was making the right decision.

I want a successful career. I want to pursue my dreams. Sometimes that means making hard decisions.

I held my shoulders back and turned the door knob pulling the door in slowly.

“Hi, Ronnie.”

I looked at Teddy standing in the doorway of my hotel room. My best friend was right. He had caught a flight and came to see me. I could only assume she'd be right about his reason for coming too.

He wiped a tear from his cheek with the cuff of his button down shirt. “So I came to see you.”


“Well it doesn't matter now...” He reached into the pocket of his khakis and pulled out a velvet box. “But I came because of this.” He opened the box slowly.

I stared down at the ring sparkling from in the box. It was beautiful. “I can't.”

“You could've.” He slipped the box back into his pocket. “I know you knew it was me on the other side of the door.”

I crossed my arms. “Maybe I did, but this shouldn't come as a shock to you!”

“What that you'd choose your career?” He sighed. “I mean, it kinda does.” His eyes dropped to the floor and then back up to me. “I just don't know how you knew I'd be here. I thought I managed to hold on to the secret pretty well these past couple of days.”

My hand rested on the door knob. “Well you didn't.”

“Yeah, I guess I didn't” He looked down the hall. “Well I guess I'll leave you to go celebrate with your boss.”

“You've been a good friend Ted.”

He nodded and started to turn to leave. “Enjoy Philly.”

I started to close the door. “I will.”

I shut the door and leaned my back against it. “What a work trip.”

October 06, 2020 21:01

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