
Chester Jameson was the janitor of my elementary and then high school. He was the man who I used to see early in the mornings outside raking the leaves and cleaning out the trash bins on a regular Monday, and then upon the scaffold washing the windows on a Friday evening. Every day it was the same thing. Over and over again.

I think Chester had kids because I saw his wallet perched on a window sill this other day, and no one was around when I found it. I didn't know it was his until I opened it and I saw a picture of him and two smaller kids. A boy and a girl. It looked a little worn and had a little tear at the top right-hand corner, but it looked like he carried the photo with a lot of love in his heart because when I turned it over, I read the words, "Charlie and Luna at 6 years old," and a date. 

I didn't tell anyone that I found it. Instead, I went searching for him at lunchtime and found him on all fours under a table as if he was looking for something. Must be his wallet, I thought.

He didn't notice me right away, so I waited until he finally did.

Chester was probably in his late 40's and had graying hair already with a salt and pepper mustache to go with it. He had kind brown eyes and that was probably the only characteristic I knew about him. Well, that and the fact that he had kids.

Today, he wore a navy blue jumpsuit with the high school's name and logo. He tended to switch between this and a brown one. He looked up and saw me standing there with my hands in my pockets. I did this a lot when I was nervous or didn't know what to say.

He started first. "Hey, Jasper. What are you doing here?"

He was probably thinking why was the awkward, lanky kid from tenth grade standing in the hallway?

I took my right hand out of my pocket with the wallet I had found and shown it to him. "Is this yours?"

His eyes fell on the wallet with a look of surprise and then wonder. "Where did you find it?"

"It was by the cafeteria. I saw it sitting on the window sill. I'm sorry, but I had to check inside for who it belonged to. But don't worry! I didn't take anything from it," I explained.

Chester gave a dismissive wave of his hand with a weary smile. "It's okay. Thank you for returning it."

"Er, yeah...no problem."

And that was probably the last conversation I could remember having with Chester.

Years later after I graduated high school and then college, I found a job as an office clerk to start and I found myself back at the same high school for a ten-year class reunion.

I kept avoiding the phone calls left and right from my buddies, saying that we all had to be there. I honestly didn't want to go because I knew people would be asking about what I was doing now. I'm glad I have a job to put food on the table, but I was only getting by and I wasn't where I thought I would be ten years later.

Carlos Sanchez dropped by out of the blue at my doorstep one afternoon and told me that I was going. He needed to see how everyone was doing. Well, I knew the real reason he wanted to go was that he would be able to see his old high school crush, and I happened to be close friends with her.

"Come on, man. You'd be doing me a solid," he said, lounging on one of my couches.

I raised a brow. "Oh, you're not going to get down on your knees and grovel first? I don't even know if Lauren wants whatever you're proposing."

This made Carlos sit up straight with a deep frown. "Okay, that feels like a fast punch, even from you, Jas. I promise I won't do anything that would make her uncomfortable. I just have this new confidence and I want to make my move before I lose it."

"Well, you kinda sounded cocky about it, but if you're serious about this, about her, then I'll go. But you're not going to drag me into any mess because Lauren's a good woman and I'd hate to see her get hurt," I said.

Carlos rose to his feet with a grin and a pat on my back. "Thank you, man. You won't regret this."

At the reunion, they had a local band playing all the 90's popular hits that you could ever name, and everyone was having a great time. The gym was decorated in midnight blue and silver with streamers and lights all around. On the far left side of the gym, there was a long table of finger food and drinks. I watched from my table as everyone drank and laughed the night away as if they were teenagers again, but this time we could all legally drink. I decided to be the designated driver for my buddies because I knew nobody wanted to haul somebody's behind home. However, I made sure Carlos was still sober to talk to Lauren.

When I hinted to her about Carlos, she laughed for a minute over the phone until she realized I was telling the truth. She said she was interested in someone else and that Carlos was not her ideal type. Well, whatever that meant, at least to me, it only reassured whatever heaviness I had hanging over my head. 

I felt an arm go around my shoulders and Carlos’s face came into my view with a mischievous smirk like he had won the lottery. Did Lauren change her mind about him? I thought. 

“Bro, you wouldn’t believe what Lauren just said. You wanna hear it?” he said. His words slurred together, making it impossible to understand what he was saying, but luckily for me, I’ve seen Carlos drunk, so even if he wasn’t making any sense right now, I understood. 

But then, when did he have the time to drink while he talking her up? My mood dampened at the fact that Lauren must have had to endure whatever this fool said to her. 

“You better not have been drunk near her, or else I swear I’ll punch your face so hard you won’t be able to see past tomorrow,” I warned him. 

Carlos seemed to have found what I said funny because now, he was bent over taking gasps of air as he laughed. This only added more wood to the fire that was inside of me. 

“It’s not funny, Carlos. I mean it.” 

He stood up and gave me a pat on the back. “Dude, you’re crazy if you don’t see how in love she is with you.” 

I shook my head with a frown. “Now you’re talking crazy. It’s the alcohol. Go sober up, while you still have all your teeth.” 

This time Carlos had a stern look in his brown eyes. “Jasper, she likes you, and it was pretty clear to me after I saw the way she was looking at you tonight.” 

I didn’t know what to say. Lauren liking me was absurd. If anything, I didn’t think she’d want to be with someone who didn’t have much to offer, and I knew I didn’t, which is why I’ve never had girlfriends in the past. I wanted to get myself together before finding someone to spend the rest of my life with. 

“I never stood a chance, and I’m glad because I think she could be the one for you, man,” Carlos continued. “You’d be an idiot not to do anything about it.” 

I ran a hand through my hair with a sigh. What could I say in this situation? Did I like her like that? I’ve always seen Lauren as good friend of mine who I could rely on for anything and she’d be there to support me. 

“Look, Jas, I know what I said to you tonight has gotten you thinking whatever, but you should’t be worried. Take a chance. Don’t lose this opportunity, while you still have it, or else you might by some hotshot like me,” he said with a wink. 

I chuckled then and it brought me out of my reverie. “Hotshot, huh?”

“See, now when you say it like that it makes me sound arrogant, but I swear I’m not,” he said. 

I raised a brow at him. “Are you sure, buddy? Because I think you’re just a tad bit too much.” 

“There he is,” he said. “Now this is the Jasper I wanted to hang out with tonight. But hey, don’t think too much about what I said, and just do what feels right to you.” 

Yeah, if I knew exactly what felt right at the moment. My head is still reeling at the fact that Carlos just dropped a truth bomb on me, and I wasn’t at all prepared to take it. Everything about Lauren has me in a whirlwind of emotions that I have yet to uncover what they truly are. But for the time being, I think I’m going to have to go out for a breather. 

“Hey, bro, I think I’m gonna go take a walk. It’s a nice night,” I said, then eyed his drink in his hand. “While I’m gone, please try to look after yourself. I’ll be right back.” 

Carlos guffawed. “Shut up, and just go. I’ll see you when I see you.” 

The stars in the clear night sky were beautiful to look at, and he couldn’t help but notice how much the school has changed. What with the new science and math buildings on the east wing, and then the expanded cafeteria near the gym. I passed by my old homeroom and was mentally transported back to it as a teenager, internally struggling and having the desire to leave this school already. I even saw the trophy cabinet with all the achievements this school has made in the past. From soccer games to math competitions, his high school excelled in all areas of academia and sports. 

As I walked down the hallways, I stumbled upon Chester’s old janitor closet on my way back to the gym, and I felt the urge to go and open the door. Iwasn’t sure why, but I did, and before I could, I saw a bright yellow sign that said: Closed until further notice. That was weird because why would a closet that’s supposed to be for the school’s maintenance be closed? 

I tried turning the knob and pushing the door, but it wouldn’t budge, which meant it was locked. I moved my hand around the door and felt the small dent marks and chipped paint off the wood. I wondered what happened to Chester then if his room was closed off. Was he still working here as the janitor? 

I made my way back to my table and didn’t realize I was staring off to space until I felt a light tap on my shoulder, and looked up to see Lauren’s concerned green eyes. “Are you okay? You look a little troubled.” 

I plastered a smile on my face and shook my head. “I’m fine. Just thinking.” 

She cocked her head to the side from the chair right next to mine. “What were you thinking so hard about?” 

“Do you know what happened to Mr. Jameson? You know, the Janitor?” I asked. 

If anything happened at the school, Lauren would know since she was the ninth grade English teacher. She has told me a lot has changed here at the school, but from the looks of it, not everything. 

“Oh. Yeah, poor Chester got the short end of the stick when Principal Keyes said that they didn’t need him anymore because he had this bright idea to hire a whole maintenance staff to keep up with the school. You know how it’s been growing the past couple of years, right? Well, that’s all thanks to Principal Keyes,” she said, waving her hand around to her surroundings. 

“I never minded the calls he’s made in the past because the school’s been doing so well lately, but that doesn’t mean that I agreed with the way he handled things with Chester’s termination. It was just so sudden. I don’t think any of us saw it coming, not even Chester.” 

“Not even a thank you? For all the years Mr. Jameson has served this school?” I said. 

Lauren gave a bitter laugh. “I don’t think so. It was heartbreaking for me and the teachers to see it happen. We tried so hard to talk the Principal out of it, but Keyes made up his mind already, and there was nothing we could do to change it.” 

I let out a harsh breath and leaned forward into my chair. That was terrible to hear. Chester was the most honest and hardworking man he knew and having him let go just like that without a warning or a thank you from his own employer was like a punch to the gut. I didn’t know I had my hands fisted in a ball when Lauren held them in her hands. 

“Jasper, I know it’s not okay,” she said. 

“No, it’s not. Like to hell with Keyes. Was Mr. Jameson even given a severance package?” 

She nodded. “Yes, he was, but I heard from one of the teachers that it wasn’t the amount he deserved.” 

I went still and didn’t say anything more, or else I was going to blow my top right here, right now, and I didn’t want Lauren to see that. Of course, I didn’t want to scare her. She’s had to endure a lot of crap from her past and I didn’t want to add on to that. 

“Hey, Jasper, look at me,” Lauren said in her soft voice. 

This calmed me down. I listened and waited out the storm. 

“Whatever happened with Chester, know that he is doing okay. I know that because his daughter, Luna, and I spoke earlier this week, and they’ve had him fly up to stay with her and her husband and kids in Vermont,” she said. “Sounds like he’s having the time of his life there.”

The name Luna rang a bell. That could be the little girl from the picture in his wallet. 



November 22, 2021 23:44

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