Cousins and Pen Pals

Written in response to: Write a story about a pair of pen pals.... view prompt


American Coming of Age Fiction

        Cousins and Pen Pals

Suzanne Marsh

I was fifteen years old when “The Beatles” became the group to listen to. The problem was, I did not really like their sound, most of their songs were okay but I was training to be a classical pianist. My cousin, on the other hand thought “The Beatles” were the greatest thing since Macaroni and Cheese. We were just not on the same page.

November 29, 1963

Dear Cuz,

Have you heard that great hit I Want to Hold Your Hand? “The Beatles” are the greatest.

John is okay, George is sort of cute, Ringo, not my type and Paul. Paul is luscious, he could put his shoes under my bed anytime. Are you coming for Christmas this year? Mom and Dad are already planning. My sister Anne is getting to be a real pain in the butt, she wants to wear my clothes.

Imagine, that skinny little twerp wearing my skirts and blouses. Mom, told her she would

be getting some of the things you have outgrown, she did not take that well.

Our cat, Maxine, is becoming friendlier than she has been. She likes to sleep with me, we curl

up together. Anne gets angry because the cat won’t go near her. I guess that is just life.



December 7, 1963

Dear Cousin,

Christmas is almost upon us. Mother tells me we will be staying here in Buffalo for Christmas. She is not enthusiastic about traveling to Utica in the snow. I will miss seeing you and Anne, Philip, Mark and Nina. Anne will eventually grow up, or least we can hope so. So tell me more about this dream boat “Beatle”. My dad keeps calling them the Beagles, he says they sound like they are howling. I am going to try to convince Mother to let me visit during Easter vacation, it will be a win/win for you and I. I finally got to see a picture in a fan magazine of you dreamboat Paul. I must admit he is the best looking of the four. I can’t say I like their music very much; I prefer Herman and the Hermits. Actually, Mother prefers that I play classic music. I guess it goes with going to Catholic School. Hey, did I tell you about my latest adventure with the nuns. I brought my white guinea pig Silverwood to school. I put him on Sister Mary Virginia’s desk, I had no idea nuns could jump that high! Good thing Mother did not hear about that, or she would not have agreed to let me be on the track team again this year. Father Cotter would no doubt have spoken to her about it. Sister Mary Virginia thought it was funny after she calmed down. Father just sort of snickered.

I have to get going, I still have homework to do.



December 15, 1963

Dear Jenny,

I will miss you this Christmas. Sounds as if you had quite a time; be thankful the nun had a sense of humor. My brother Philip really got into a mess, he made Brother John so angry, all he did was talk while the brother was talking, for that he had to write I will not talk in class one thousand times, plus Dad gave him a spanking and told him to stay in his room until he was done. I felt sorry for Phil, so I wrote part of his punishment. Don’t tell my dad I did that. We should begin to make plans for your Easter visit. I take it your mother is having problems with you again.

Whatever you did keep doing it so she will send you here for Easter.



January 10, 1964

Dear Katie,

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your letter. Christmas was not the same this year, I really did want to come to Utica but I guess I can’t have everything I want. I went to a party where they played the Beatles most of the time. Some of the songs sort of grow on you after a while. Please, Please Me has been stuck in my head since the party. Mother has decided to teach me to sew. I am in no way a seamstress. She had me make a simple “A” line skirt, well the “A” sort of looks more like a”Z”. Mother simply does not get it, I don’t want to learn to sew, maybe that was what she did when she was a girl, I want to learn to ride a horse.

I am already working on mother to send me to Utica for Easter Vacation. I will keep you posted.



February 15, 1964

Dear Jenny,

January exams are over with, I passed everything. How about that? How is your plan working to come for Easter? Mom, mumbled something to dad the other night: “Kay wants to send Jenny here for Easter, why can’t she control Jenny?” Dad simply looked at mom: “Kay, is my sister, I know she has no idea how to control Jenny. We will do what we always do, keep her for Easter vacation, straighten her out and send her back home to Kay.” Glad you have not lost your ability to make life difficult!



November 4, 1965

Dear Jenny,

I know it has been a long while, but I met the boy I intend to marry. We have been going together for a year. What about you? You have been so silent. Between high school, dates and everything else I guess we just sort of put each other on hold. Write when you can.



December 24, 1965

Dear Katie,

I have been seeing a boy, he took me to his home for Christmas with his family. It was very nice. We need to stay in touch. So you are dating also. Do you parents approve of this boy? Mine, the jury is still out. Father does not like nor does mother. I have to decide what to do. I want to date him, but I don’t want to go against my parents wishes either. Well, Katie, I will write again.



The letters between the two cousins stopped for a good number of years; then one day Jenny received a letter that made her weep, ti was simple and to the point it read:

December 1972

Dear Jenny,

I don’t even know what day it is. I am getting a divorce and returning home to Utica.



August 22, 2023 22:34

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