WhatsApp Conversation
Group: Jack and Jill
Jill: Hey Jack! It's so much easier chatting here than on that dating site.
Jack: Definitely! I'm enjoying this much more.
Jill: I have to say, you're even more handsome in this photo than the one you used back there
Jack: Thanks, Jill! As I said, I think that you are pretty stunning. Any man would fancy you. I can’t understand why you are on a dating site.
Jill: Thanks! 😍 You must have a load of exes out there just drooling for you to get back in touch
Jack: I wish. How has your week gone so far? Have you asked for a raise?
Jill: It’s been pretty good so far. No bossy double-entendres, no bossy leers
Jack: Just curious, what exactly do you do for work?
Jill: Oh, you know, a bit of this and that. It keeps me busy.
Jack: Interesting. Can you tell me more?
Jill: I work in marketing, you know – presentations, meeting clients, keeping them happy?
Jack: Does that mean short skirts and glimpses of cleavage?
Jill: No. I dress as a professional business person.
Jack: Who do you work for
Jill: Boutique Marketing
Jack: Whereabout is that?
Jill: Let's not talk about work now. How about we meet in person?
Jack: Sure, I’d love that!
[2 days later]
Jill: Jack, I want to apologize for getting angry the other day. I understand you were a bit surprised that I'm older than my photo.
Jack: No need to apologize, Jill. I still think you're sexy and attractive.
Jill: Thanks, Jack. You’re quite the gentleman.
Jack: I still fancy the pants off you
Jill: really! A bit early for that.
Jack: Let’s not rush into things….it’s only a lazy way of expressing how I feel about you. Coz it’s more than you’re physically attractive. I want to know your soul
Jill: I feel that way too. 😊I’m sure that you have a warm soul.
Jack: How about I pick you up from work, and we go for an early meal and then to the theatre? Say Friday?
Jill: Can we meet at the corner from my office instead? It's just around the block. Opposite the MacDonald’s on Spooky Street. Do you know it?
Jack: Okay, that works for me. It's quarter past five.
[A couple of days later, Thursday of the same week]
Jack: Jill, I'm confused. I've seen you coming out of a solicitor’s office at 5 o'clock these past few days. That's not where you said you work.
Jill: Haha, Jack, are you stalking me? Let's not worry about that and stick to our date plan, okay?
Jack: Um, alright…
[Saturday the same week]
Jill: Jack, you haven't sent the money you promised. My landlord is pressuring me, and I’m desperate.
Jack: No money will be coming your way. I don't believe you anymore.
Missed call from Jill
Missed call from Jill
Missed call from Jill
Missed call from Jill
Missed call from Jill
Jill: Jack, I’m missing you. I still think that we could have something good going here. I loved the taste of your lips when we kissed. The feel of your arms and hands on my body
Missed call from Jill
Missed call from Jill
Jack: Jill, first of all, you are older than you implied, second I see you coming out from work from somewhere you say you don’t work, and then you ask me for money – what’s a guy to thonk
Jill: Jack, let’s be blunt. Despite this, I fancy you. I can explain. I am worried that I’ll end up on the shelf, so I shaved a couple of years or so off my age on my profile. I am afraid of men stalking me if I give out precise details of where I work, and I don’t need the money now as I have managed to get a bank loan.
Jack: How about seeing you leaving the lawyers?
[ 90 minutes later]
Jill: Jack, has anyone ever told you that you are far too suspicious of people?
[a minute later]
Jill: I’m not the first, am I?
Jack: Probably not. And maybe I am a bit more suspicious than the average bear, but that doesn’t explain why you were coming out of the lawyers two days in a row.
Jill: I don’t want to answer that question
Jack: not even if it means I’ll never see you again unless you tell me.
Jill: Are you really going to insist on that?
[a minute later]
Jack: Well, yes
Jill: and we’ll carry on seeing each other if I make you happy and I tell you?
Jack: if what you say is credible
Jill: Jack, please try and be a bit more open-minded
Jack: OK, then shoot with your answer
Jill: OK. I hope you’ll understand why I didn’t want to talk about this. It is traumatic for me. About eight months ago, I was sexually assaulted at work. My boss came up behind me and grabbed my bum and tits, and pushed him off, and slapped him pretty hard. I was seen doing it. I told HR and my boss’s boss what happened, but my boss just stone-cold denied it. They sacked me on the spot for gross misconduct. And then he started stalking me…
Jack: So you are at the lawyers for unfair dismissal or because he’s stalking you?
Jill: No. It’s much worse than that. He is suing me for slandering his reputation and for psychological damage after an assault.
Jack: That’s unbelievable! How can he do that?
Jill: because he’s an arrogant unthinking shit.
Jack: Is he still stalking you?
Jill: I don’t think so. I told him I’d been to the police and would name him to them if he didn’t stop.
Jack: Did the police not ask if you knew the stalker?
Jill: They did, but I said I couldn’t be sure, so I’d not name them until I could. They tried to make me change my mind, but I was adamant as I couldn’t be entirely sure. I’d hate to give him another reason to sue me.
Jack: Christ, that’s awful. I’m surprised that you haven’t asked me to escort you everywhere.
Jill: That would be too much, but I’d love to come over to yours tonight.
Jack: What time? I could cook for you.
Jill: About now?
Jack: can’t you get here sooner?
Jill: I’ll fly!
[4 days later]
Jill: Thanks again for looking after me. It was brilliant. And wow – a great lover and a cook. I feel lucky
Jack: A corny line coming soon –. I’ve never felt this way before about anyone. It's trite but true.
Jill: A-a-aw
Jack: I wish I didn’t, but I really have to spend the next week in Dronton. I have a weekend conference and then five days with customers.
Jill: I’ll miss you and miss snuggling into you.
Jack: I’ll miss that, too. But needs must, work pays the bills.
Jill: I suppose, but I need my hero to come charging back on his white horse to save me from a fate worse than death
Jack: ??? What’s worse than death?
Jill: Not having you next to me.
Jack: I tell you what. As soon as I get back, have a quick change and shower, I’ll pick you up and take you to Ginny’s for a candlelit dinner?
Jill: Sounds good. What time do you think?
Jack: Probably about seven-ish
Jill: Once you're out of the shower, why don’t you give me a ring? I’ll pop over to Ginny’s and see you there. Would you like me to book the table?
Jack: That’d be great. Really look forward to it. Love you
Jill: And me. Bye
Jack: Bye.
[2 days after the meal at Ginny’s, 6.30a.m.]
Jill: Morning, sleepy-head. I’m missing that man-sized shape next to me in bed. Thanks so much for your kindness. I’ll rush out straightaway and put your cheque into my bank account. I couldn’t do this without you.
[4 hours later]
Jack: Morning. Just got up. I'm looking forward to a day off work. Hope your friend perks up when she sees you. Love you xx
[8 hours later]
Jack: How was your day with your friend? Do you think you’ll be able to get home tomorrow as you hoped?
[24 hours later]
Jack: Jill? Are you ok?
[24 hours later]
Jack: R U OK?
[The next day]
Missed voice call from Jack
Missed voice call from Jack
Missed voice call from Jack
[The next day]
Jack: Please just let me know if you are all right?
[The next day]
Missed voice call from Jack
Jack: I went to the police to see if you had been reported in an accident. When I showed them your profile photo, the desk sergeant told me to wait. A detective asked me why I thought that you were missing. When I explained, he said that they were looking to catch you after four previous similar reports.
Jack: How could you? How can you pretend that level of affection and then just take my money? And the others? I should have listened to myself. To my doubts.
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