Romance Fiction

As we walk through the market gates I can smell the sweet aroma of all the flowers mingled with the scents of fresh fruit.

“Okay let’s see, she wants sunflowers, red roses, pink tulips and monte cassino flowers in her bouquet,” I list aloud.

“What’s this for again?” My best friend Jacob asks. 

I exhale deeply. “I have told you about a million times! I’m helping out with Sarah’s wedding!”I stop walking and stand there for a moment letting all the spring scents and ocean breezes fly around me. 

“Come on, what are we waiting for?” Jacob asks, breaking me out of my trance. 

I break into a run pulling him with me. ‘I love spring.’ I think to myself as I get to the “Assorted Flowers” stand. “Hi there, can I get a wedding bouquet with these flowers please?” I request of the saleslady as I give her the list while trying to catch my breath. 

“Sure sweetie, if it’s just the bouquet that'll be $100 and I will be back in about twenty minutes with it all ready! Is he the lucky groom?” 

I blush as I realize she must be talking about Jacob hovering behind me. “Oh n-no no no no, he’s just my friend. We’re getting these for my friend's wedding” I stammer somewhat awkwardly. 

“Ah, I see.” She turns to leave with a wink my way.

 I blush deeply. 

Jacob grabs my hand and drags me around the market stopping at a little stand with Sakura trees surrounding the stand and buckets filled to the brim with cherry blossoms. “I know you love spring, Olivia,” he says as he grabs a handful of the blossoms, tosses them in the air and twirls me around.

 I sigh. ‘Something about this just feels like where I’m meant to be.’ I giggle and throw some back at him as he pulls me to him and hugs me tightly while laughing. 

“Flower bouquet ready for Olivia Freeman!” I hear the lady from the flower stand calling my name breaking Jacob and I apart. I quickly head back over to get the bouquet and pay. She gives me a smile and yet another, very deliberate wink. 

“I saw you two over there you know,” she says slyly. 

I smile slightly. “I’m telling you, we’re nothing more than friends” I respond somewhat shyly. As we were leaving I realized my heart was beating faster than usual and I found myself thinking about the woman's words more than I probably would’ve on most days. 

* * *  

Lying on my bed that night my thoughts keep drifting to that moment Jacob and I had in the market. Was it meant to be romantic? Did he mean it in a certain way? Was it just friendly and I’m overthinking it? He probably doesn’t see you as anything more than a friend. Do you even see him as more than a friend or is what that lady said just getting in your head? Yeah, no we’re just friends. But what if there is a chance for something else? Would I want that? These thoughts kept swirling in my head going around and around in circles until I finally fell asleep. 

When my alarm went off I jumped out of bed and began my morning routine of getting dressed, eating breakfast, washing my face, doing my hair, etc.. Suddenly I gave a start as I remembered that today was Sarah’s wedding and I had told her I would be there in half an hour! I ran around the house grabbing everything that I needed hoping and praying I wouldn’t forget anything. I hopped in the car and was off! Soon enough I arrived at the venue looking like a hot mess. 

“Hey, you good? You look like you’ve been up all night partying or something,” Sarah remarks when I walk in. 

“Yeah sorry I’m late, I had a busy day yesterday and was kind of out of it this morning.” 

“No worries, you’re all good. Can you set up the flowers and then you have an appointment to get your hair and makeup done.” 

“Ok great! Yeah totally, thanks for setting that up for me. You look gorgeous by the way,” I say as I go to get the bouquet from the car. The venue was amazing, if I were to ever get married I would want it to be at a place like this. There were beautiful flowers all around with palm trees and a view of an absolutely stunning lake. This could be me. I think, picturing myself standing in a white dress with Sakura trees surrounding me and their blossoms falling all around. I snap out of it, shaking my head at myself and grab the flowers. I head inside and hand the bouquet over. 

“It’s lovely!” Sarah gasps as I give her the bouquet. “But why are there cherry blossoms on it?” She questions, curiosity forming on her face, as she brushes them off. “Did some fall on it?” 

“Oh, um, I must’ve had some on my clothes or hair and they got on the bouquet” I say reddening by the second. 

“Why would they be on you?” she questions. 

“Jacob and I were just messing around at the market while we were waiting for it to be ready,” I explain.

“Ohh, I see,” she remarks, smirking at me. “Anyway, you’re going to be late for your appointment!”. 

I rush over to the hair salon and make it just in time. 

* * * 

The wedding ceremony was spectacular. Sarah looked amazing, and the bouquet looked stunning against her white dress. It was so much fun being a part of it all. Afterwards we headed over to a different building for the reception. There was good food, amazing wine and the moment when they cut the cake was so sweet. They had their first dance to “All Of Me” by John Legend and I teared up a little. The guests and wedding party were invited onto the dance floor and we all started dancing. 

“May I have this dance?” I hear a voice behind me ask as a new song starts. I whirl around and see Jacob standing there somewhat awkwardly, his face beet red. He is in a tuxedo with his hair perfectly styled.

“Of course,” I respond. He takes my hand and leads me to the center of the dance floor. We end up dancing for the rest of the night. The music stops at the end of the reception, startling both of us. We break apart both exhausted. 

“Thank you,” Jacob says sincerely. 

My heart was beating out of my chest, I steady it by reminding myself that we’re nothing more than good friends. He probably didn’t know anyone else or had no one else to dance with. 

He offers to walk me home after we’re done at the party. I nod to him, trying to hide my growing smile. We walk home in almost complete silence, only talking when necessary like, “Watch out for that tree branch,” or him occasionally grabbing my arm to steer me around something. 

At my house he seems like he wants to make some sort of move but doesn’t. He says goodbye and I go inside. After putting my stuff away and getting ready for bed, I open the door to my bedroom and see two cherry blossoms lying on my bed that must’ve fallen off my clothes yesterday. I sigh deeply, maybe I am ready to accept my feelings for him.

March 31, 2023 23:31

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