The Smell Of Her Hair

Submitted into Contest #27 in response to: Write a short story that takes place on a train.... view prompt



By Yvonne Albers – South Africa

The platform was full of 4 pm commuters waiting for the 4 pm train to take them home. Andy was reading the rest of his newspaper that he had bought that morning. When a scent caught, his attention. He looked up to see what appeared to be a woman walking past him. The scent hung in the air while proceeded to a better point on the platform to get onto the train.

She turned slightly to the right, which made him smile with some relief. Laughing at the funny thought he had in his mind. He stared at the back of her as she got comfortable to wait. She reached into her bag where she took out what looked like a well-read book. The cover was falling apart and had tap all over it. He moved closer to where she was standing straining to read the title of the cover. Before he got close enough to read the title the train came racing down the track screeching to a holt.


In a sudden moment, a horde of people came rushing off the train. As those wanting to get on, rushed past getting on before the doors closed. Andy followed suit and got on. He looked around to see where the woman was standing. The scent had gone from his nose. He moved towards her to try to catch another whiff. She was standing leaning on a pole, where she continued to read her book. This time he managed to catch the title, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Another smile crossed Andy’s face. The only book that has most woman wishing that life was a fairy tale. That they too will find their Mr Darcy who will sweep them of their feet and marry them. Shaking his head to himself. The lady was looking at him. When he looked up and saw her looking at him, he could see her clear green eyes. They seemed to reach deep within his soul, her long brunette hair flowed down her shoulders. He was still smiling without realising he was, she smiled back at him. A smile that made his smile broaden.

She returned to her book and the train continued its path on the tracks. He shook his head at himself and pulled out his newspaper to continue reading. The train came to a screeching halt and the doors flashed open. Commuters got up pushing past the standing commuters. Knocking the lady over, Andy stretched out and managed to catch her in time before she was on the ground.

“Are you okay.”

“yes thank, some people are so rude. Thank for your help”

“You’re welcome”

Looking down at her arm he was still holding on

“You can let go now I am stable on my own two feet”


Snatching his hand away he apologised. As the scent caught his nose again. It seemed to be coming from her hair. The intoxicating scent reminded him of his mom’s garden in the countryside. Her garden had all the aromas that left you calm and alive at the same time. He loved visiting her but since her death, he hasn’t been back to the countryside. He sold her cottage, didn’t have the heart to keep it in the family, it was only him left from his family. He sighed with some sadness.

“Are you okay” realising she was talking

“Excuse me”

“I said are you okay, you look like something has made you sad”

“The scent of your hair” now she replied with a confused look.

“Excuse me, my hair”

“No, no that’s not what I meant.” She continued staring at him with growing concern

“I mean the scent of your shampoo it reminds me of my mom’s garden she used to have”

“It's not a shampoo, its aromatherapy oils”

“Oh, it smells amazing”

“Your mom doesn’t have the garden anymore”

“She passed away a few years ago”

“Sorry for your loose”



Silence fell between them as the journey continued. The train stopped at the next platform when she turned and smiling at him and said good-bye.

Andy was beating himself up again for his silly comment. Once the train began pulling away from the station, he smacked his hand into his forehead. Realising he hadn’t even asked for her name. Berating himself all the way home and well into the next morning. Without thoughts he got ready for work and went on back to the station, hoping to bump into the lady again.

The platform was quiet this morning seems everyone choose to sleep in late. Few people showed up and as the train had come for its morning collections. He got on and looked out the window instead of reading his newspaper. They pulled into the station he knew the lady had gotten off of. Holding his breath hoping she would be boarding. But only grumpy old men and a group of fidgety woman got on. The day took so long it had felt like he was standing still. Shaking his head and forcing himself to get on with the tasks at hand.


Andy was deep within some paperwork when his college walked in and said good-bye. Realising that the time had come and gone and he had been at work longer than his normal day. Leaving everything on his table as it was, he took his bag and left. He was still in his own world of thought when he reached the platform. He looked down the tunnel to see if the train was close. When someone came and stood in front of him smiling. He looked and saw it was the lady from yesterday.



“Here,” she shoved a spray bottle into his hands. Looking at it he was about to ask her what it was but she beat him to the task.

“That’s the oils I put in my hair. I made some up for you so that if you were missing your mom you could spray some to remember her garden.”

“Thank, that is kind”

“I know its weird. I mean we only met yesterday and we don’t know each other. Hardly even spoken but I know what it's like to miss someone I care about.” Expecting some kind of judgement comment, but the question he did ask surprised her.

“What’s your name”

“I am Allison”

“Hi I am Andy, thank you” lifting the spray bottle he had in his hand.

Their conversation flowed for the duration of the commute. When Allison’s stop came up, they had exchanged numbers and agreed to a coffee date.

Andy walked with the spring his step. He hated the train commute to work and home. Now he had a reason to look forward to it. It would be where he saw Allison.

February 03, 2020 10:34

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