She meant everything to me

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Sad

*Hello there! This is the first time I post a story on this website. I hope you guys enjoy it! ^w^*


We met at the university and I fell in love with her at first sight. People were asking me: " Why do you like her so much? She doesn't seem that attractive and doesn't have much of a personality either. " They weren't seeing what I was seeing though. She had always been beautiful to me. Even when she was upset, her eyes would always show compassion and love. The image of her pure smile and soft blonde hair that i could put my fingers through had always been the reason why I would wake up in the morning.


We had a small wedding due to the lack of friends and acquaintances from both parts, but everything turned out to be perfect. Our families were clapping happily at our kiss. My mother was crying her heart out because it was the happiest day of her life(and my life as well), my father was staring at us proudly as if to say "Now you've done it, Jason. Better cherish her your whole life."


We loved each other and even thought about starting our own familiy. Therefore, we decided to have a baby. Both Laura and I agreed on this and i remember hugging her and thinking about how great it would be if I became a father. It sounded scary, but I soon got used to the idea.


" I am pregnant " she told me as soon as I entered the house. It was a long, tiring day at work, but her news just cleared all the clouds above me. I hugged her and kissed her and we decided to celebrate with a movie. We even thought about what name would be suitable and what clothes we should pick for our future child.


My eyes turned rapidly at the sound of the glass of water shattering into pieces on the floor. Laura fell and let go of the glass. She was unconscious and I could see that her stomach seemed to be bleeding. " Laura! Can you hear me? Wake up! " I shouted to her multiple times to no avail. I immediatly called the ambulance and we rushed her to the hospital. " Don't you dare die on me, Laura, I'm begging you now. " I told her softly, but worried. I was anxious about both her and the baby that was going to be born sooner or later. I waited at the hospital inpatiently and prayed to God even though I didn't quite believe in him.


I opened the door slowly and, as I entered the hospital room, I was immediately struck by two feelings: relief, because I could see that Laura had woken up and was looking at me and fear of hearing something that I might have known already.

" I am deeply sorry to inform you this, but unfortunately, we have lost the baby. " the doctor told us. She also said that it would be too dangerous to try having a baby again. We were both devastated at the idea that we might never have another chance to have a child. We both blamed ourselves, then blamed the situation. I pulled myself closer to her bed and we stayed for a little bit, staring at the ground, with her head on my shoulder and my hand caresing her hair.

"It's okay." she said. "At least we've got each other. " " Yeah,as long as we have each other, we don't need anything else. "

" Why isn't he waking up? " I could hear a voice ringing unclearly in my head.


I lost my job, but it wasn't my fault. The boss was an asshole and jealous because I had a more luxurious car than him. He set me up, giving me a hard task that I couldn't follow and fired me on the spot. Fortunately, I was boxing in my free time. What was once a way to get rid of the anger and sadness I felt inside soon became a passion. I decided to become a professional boxer. However, it took me a while until I managed to earn something decent from it and because of that, me and Laura fought a lot about the money issues. At some point in my life, I even started to enjoy boxing more than spending time with my wife. The happy-ever-after that I've always wished for turned into a love-hate relationship.

" Jason, wake up! " Is someone calling me?


" Who is she talking to? " I asked myself as I was looking at Laura talking to a guy at the party we were invited to. I confronted her about it, but she told me he was just an old friend. I've always wondered why he wasn't invited to the wedding. Meanwhile, I decided to make her jealous too and started talking to a random girl I just saw. The look on her eyes was precious, but I soon felt guilty about it.

" Come on man, you're gonna lose this. " Who's that?


We were driving down the street on a cold night, while the rain was pouring tremendously. We were talking about what happened at the party and we started to scream at each other furiously. Both of us wanted to listen to some music that could distract us and since we'd always have different tastes, we were fighting over the radio and touching all the buttons. I stopped paying attention to the road and stopped her hand violently from touching anything else. However, the only sound that we heard was the one coming from the truck's loud honk that was coming towards us and...before I knew it...everything became white and I was blinded by the lights.


I opened my eyes. I fell on my back as an effect of being punched by my opponent and, even though I was staring blankly at the ceiling brightened by the neon lights, I could sense everyone staring at me from outside the boxing ring. I realised that i'd been knocked down and while the referee was doing the countdown i had been reminiscing about my wife who died a long time ago. I just wish the punch was fatal so I could have joined her.

December 28, 2020 17:51

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