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Audiobooks for Indie Authors with David Markowitz

00:00 EST - Dec 12, 2016

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Everyone’s talking about the rapid rise of the audiobook market, but what does it mean for independent authors? Is producing an audiobook worth the investment? Do you have to hire a producer and a narrator? What are the distribution options?

In this replay of a talk given by ListenUp Audio's David Markowitz, he briefly explains the ins and outs of audiobook production and the distribution ecosystem. The topics covered in this short video include:

  • The growth of the Audiobook Market
  • When should indie authors create an audiobook?
  • How can you do it yourself?
  • Hiring a narrator
  • What is Audible Creation Exchange (ACX)?
  • Working with indie audio publishers
  • The benefits of going exclusive with Audible

To go deeper and learn more about the exciting potential of audiobooks, enroll on David's free course on Reedsy Learning.

Have you considered creating an audio version of your self-published books? If so, what was your experience like? And if not, what are your biggest reservations? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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