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Showing 90 magazines that match your search.
Print magazine for Non-Fiction,
Let the power of your imagination be your guide. We're interested in stories, essays, and poems that speak to this idea of Transcendence.
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $0
⏱️ Frequency: 1 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print & Online magazine for Non-Fiction,
Established in September 2003, The Cincinnati Review draws together within its pages the finest creative and critical work from across the country. We provide a venue for writers of any background, at any point in their literary careers, to showcase their best writing.
👀 Average visits: 22,600/month
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $0
⏱️ Frequency: 2 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print magazine for Non-Fiction,
The Missouri Review is based at the University of Missouri and publishes four issues each year. Each issue contains new fiction, poetry and essays. We also run author interviews and found-text features where we print never before published works such as a short story by William Faulkner or one of Tennessee Williams' plays.
👀 Average visits: 13,000/month
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $3
⏱️ Frequency: 4 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print magazine for Non-Fiction,
One of the oldest quarterlies in the nation, Cimarron Review publishes work by writers at all stages of their careers, including Pulitzer prize winners, writers appearing in the Best American Series and the Pushcart anthologies, and winners of national book contests. Since 1967, Cimarron has showcased poetry, fiction, and nonfiction with a wide-ranging aesthetic.
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $0
⏱️ Frequency: 4 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Online magazine for Non-Fiction,
Illuminations of the Fantastic is a monthly online magazine that encompasses works of Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Adventure, Mystery, Poetry, History, Travelogue, Essay, and Review.
🌍 Territory: Worldwide
💰 Submission fee: $0
⏱️ Frequency: 7 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Online magazine for Non-Fiction,
Sky Island Journal is an independent, international, free-access literary journal. We publish accomplished, well-established authors—side by side—with fresh, emerging voices. Our mission is to provide our over 100,000 readers in 145 countries with a powerful, focused, advertising-free literary experience that transports them: one that challenges them intellectually and moves them emotionally.
🌍 Territory: United States
💰 Submission fee: $5
⏱️ Frequency: 4 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print & Online magazine for Non-Fiction,
For over half a century Shenandoah has been publishing splendid poems, stories, essays and reviews which display passionate understanding, formal accomplishment and serious mischief.
👀 Average visits: 53,100/month
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $0
⏱️ Frequency: 2 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print magazine for Non-Fiction,
Bard College's literary journal Conjunctions publishes innovative fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction by emerging voices and contemporary masters.
👀 Average visits: 20,000/month
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $0
⏱️ Frequency: 2 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: No
Print & Online magazine for Non-Fiction,
Witness blends the features of a literary and an issue-oriented magazine to highlight the role of the modern writer as witness to their times.
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $2
⏱️ Frequency: 3 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print magazine for Non-Fiction,
Founded in 1970, The Antigonish Review is the third longest-running creative-writing journal in the Maritimes and one of the oldest continuing literary magazines in Canada.
👀 Average visits: 349,600/month
🌍 Territory: Canada
💰 Submission fee: $0
⏱️ Frequency: 4 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print magazine for Non-Fiction,
NER was founded by poets Sydney Lea and Jay Parini in New Hampshire in 1978. By publishing new fiction, poetry, and nonfiction that is both challenging and inviting, New England Review encourages artistic exchange and thought-provoking innovation, providing publishing opportunities for writers at all stages in their careers.
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $2
⏱️ Frequency: 4 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print magazine for Non-Fiction,
The Normal School is a bi-annual print and online journal featuring nonfiction, fiction, poetry, criticism, journalism, author interviews, and multi-media texts. We dig quirky, boundary-challenging, energetic prose and poetry with innovations in content, form, and focus, which isn't actually as high-falutin as it sounds.
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $3
⏱️ Frequency: 2 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print magazine for Non-Fiction,
The Gettysburg Review, published by Gettysburg College, is recognized as one of the country's premier literary journals. More than one-hundred short stories, poems, and essays first published in The Gettysburg Review have been reprinted in the various prize anthologies. Online submissions are $3 and snail mail submissions are free!
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $3
⏱️ Frequency: 4 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print magazine for Non-Fiction,
Nimrod International Journal, founded in 1956 at The University of Tulsa, has been active in the discovery and publication of new writers for more than 60 years. Nimrod has also encouraged and rewarded new writers for more than 30 years through The Nimrod Literary Awards.
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $3
⏱️ Frequency: 2 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
Print magazine for Non-Fiction,
CONSEQUENCE is an international literary magazine published annually, focusing on the culture and consequences of war. We are an independent, non-profit magazine, and charitable organization.
🌍 Territory: USA
💰 Submission fee: $0
⏱️ Frequency: 1 times a year
🧑💻 Online submissions: Yes
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