Write a story involving a noise complaint.
Posted in Sad on Nov 1, 2022
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✍️ 45 stories
“The Crimson Diary” by Cajek Veilwinter
Submitted to Contest #148
“Noises From Above” by Nigel Holmes
Submitted to Contest #148
“Spiralling” by Hugo Abbott
Submitted to Contest #148
“Plywood Walls” by Mark Linsky
Submitted to Contest #148
“Night Shift” by Catrina Bowles
Submitted to Contest #148
“Taking a Bite Out of Danger” by Anna Gering
Submitted to Contest #148
“The Lease In The Time Of Covid” by Deirdre Fitzpatrick
Submitted to Contest #148
“Slow Motion” by Ionel Rusanu
Submitted to Contest #148
“Apartment C Four” by Kay Hamilton
Submitted to Contest #148
“130 Days with Dad” by Ben Mears
Submitted to Contest #148
“Diane and the Upstairs Wife” by I.M. Carney
Submitted to Contest #148
“Perdita” by Francesca Weisman
Submitted to Contest #148
“Condemn It All” by AJ Jones
Submitted to Contest #148
“White Noise ” by M. Tobin
Submitted to Contest #148
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Contest #148
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This week's theme: The Lease I Can Do
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