#252: Obsession
The Netflix series Baby Reindeer, inspired by a real-life stalker story, has garnered millions of views over the past month while receiving both critical acclaim and heavy backlash. In the show, a chance encounter between a barman and a total stranger descends into a chaotic tale of stalking, destruction, and mutual obsession. Delving into themes of personal boundaries, power dynamics, identity struggles, and mental health problems, the show depicts some of the complexities and contradictions inherent in human psychology.
Inspired by Baby Reindeer, this week's prompts are an invitation to explore some of the nuances of human behavior. Whether you write a witty story, a heartwarming tale, or something tense and gripping is up to you!
This week's prompts
Start your story with a character being followed.
Dramatic – 99 stories
Write about a character who struggles to do the right thing.
Character – 35 stories
Write a story in which one of the characters is a narcissist.
Character – 39 stories
Make a character’s obsession or addiction an important element of your story.
Dramatic – 129 stories
Write a story that includes someone saying, “Be careful what you wish for.”
Character – 55 stories
“To Wake Up At 52” by Nia Videnova
Submitted to Contest #252
“The Demon” by Matteo Picchietti
Submitted to Contest #252
“The Beauty Shop” by Reagan Ellis
Submitted to Contest #252
“The Shape of the Leaves” by Carol Stewart
Submitted to Contest #252
“Siren Song” by Amanda Segler
Submitted to Contest #252
“The Cold Eyed Kidnapper” by Katelynn Seavey
Submitted to Contest #252
“Gimmick” by D'Spencer Luyao
Submitted to Contest #252
“Suddenly Something” by Luca King Greek
Submitted to Contest #252
“The Wish, The Clock and Time” by Emilia Tarah Roberts
Submitted to Contest #252
“Going Round in Circles” by Lindsay Burns
Submitted to Contest #252
“Kindly's Boys” by Brandon Cox
Submitted to Contest #252
“Blood and caramel ” by Sophia Dove
Submitted to Contest #252
“Ain't Genealogy Great” by Matt Ward
Submitted to Contest #252
Submitted to Contest #252
“Ruby Red Wishes” by L. D.
Submitted to Contest #252
Prize money
Contest entries
Ended on 23:59 - May 31, 2024 EST
Won by Danielle LeBlanc 🏆
Submissions must be between 1,000 - 3,000 words and will be approved and published on Reedsy Prompts within 7 days of the contest closing.
Read the full terms & conditions or check out the FAQ if you have any questions!