#250: All Ears
Every now and then, you overhear something you really weren’t supposed to. Whether it’s deliberate eavesdropping or an innocent accident, you must now decide what to do with your ill-gotten information.
This week’s prompts are themed around stolen snippets of conversation. Will your characters understand the gravity of what they’ve heard? What will they do next? It's all up to you.
This week's prompts
Write a story in which someone is afraid of being overheard.
Dialogue – 64 stories
Write a story about a child overhearing something they don’t understand.
Kids – 62 stories
“ Where are you from? (Raqs sharqi - رقص شرقي)” by John Rutherford
Submitted to Contest #250
“Moratorium” by Ross O'Donnell
⭐️ Shortlisted for Contest #250
“My Words” by Hannah Lynn
Submitted to Contest #250
“The Secret in Dragon Bones” by Alexandra Caulway
⭐️ Shortlisted for Contest #250
“Tennis At Mar-a-Lago” by Scott Christenson
Submitted to Contest #250
“ECHOES OF DARKNESS” by Darvico Ulmeli
Submitted to Contest #250
“Quiet Recognition” by Story Time
Submitted to Contest #250
“The Queer Black Hand Note” by Luca King Greek
Submitted to Contest #250
“Dear Lord” by Robert Egan
Submitted to Contest #250
“Echoes On The Bayou” by Laurie Spellman
Submitted to Contest #250
“Lynley Strikes Again” by Kaitlyn Wadsworth
Submitted to Contest #250
Submitted to Contest #250
“Booming Dunes” by Glenda Toews
Submitted to Contest #250
“Diamonds, At Least ” by John K Adams
Submitted to Contest #250
Prize money
Contest entries
Ended on 23:59 - May 17, 2024 EST
Won by VJ Hamilton 🏆
Title: Rhymes with Pepsi
Submissions must be between 1,000 - 3,000 words and will be approved and published on Reedsy Prompts within 7 days of the contest closing.
Read the full terms & conditions or check out the FAQ if you have any questions!