#232: Polar Night & Northern Lights
Winter solstice has come and gone here in the northern hemisphere and we’re slowly heading towards brighter days. Above the arctic circle, however, inhabitants will have to wait a bit longer to see the sun. There, polar night — where the sun doesn’t rise for months — still keeps its grip. Inhospitable as this may seem, entire communities have adapted to the long night, and the northern lights playing across the sky provide a reminder that light will eventually return.
This week's prompts are inspired by polar nights, human resilience, and, most of all, the glimmers of hope that make it all worthwhile.
This week's prompts
Set your story during polar night.
36 stories
Write a story set in a world with a dying sun, or where light is a scarce resource.
Science Fiction
64 stories
Write a story about someone witnessing — or trying to witness — a celestial phenomenon.
38 stories
Write a story about someone looking for a sign in a dark sky.
56 stories
“A Crying Shame” by D'Spencer Luyao
⭐️ Shortlisted for Contest #232
“It Wasn't Neil Armstrong, Either” by Lindsay D
Submitted to Contest #232
“The Primordial Flame” by LazyDuck .
Submitted to Contest #232
“When Seel Froze” by C.N. Jung
Submitted to Contest #232
“The Thief” by Emily Heneisen
⭐️ Shortlisted for Contest #232
“A Glowing Goal” by Steffen Lettau
Submitted to Contest #232
“We Are Sorry for the Inconvenience” by Jeanne Savelle
Submitted to Contest #232
“Aurora of Love” by Muhammed Fuaad
Submitted to Contest #232
“Green Curtains” by Bonnie Jay
Submitted to Contest #232
“Cuando el Sol Sale Ror el Oeste” by Marty B
Submitted to Contest #232
“What makes love last?” by Claire Trbovic
Submitted to Contest #232
“Rebirth on Xenoscythe” by Kevin Marlow
Submitted to Contest #232
“The Eternal Light of the Ten Song Lantern” by John Werner
Submitted to Contest #232
“My Only Sunshine” by R S
Submitted to Contest #232
Prize money
Contest entries
Ended on 23:59 - Jan 12, 2024 EST
Won by Jonathan Page 🏆
Title: The Lantern of Kaamos
Submissions must be between 1,000 - 3,000 words and will be approved and published on Reedsy Prompts within 7 days of the contest closing.
Read the full terms & conditions or check out the FAQ if you have any questions!