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#189 Remastered, Retold

Books, as a medium, have remained virtually unchanged over centuries, even with the advent of ebooks and audiobooks. Our way to enjoy music, on the other hand, has gone from live troubadours and symphonies, to gramophones and vinyl records, CDs and MP3s, and, most recently, streaming apps. To build these virtual libraries, sound engineers have been hard at work remastering older tracks to improve the sound quality to fit our modern standards, preserving and bringing classic albums to the ears of new generations.

Whether you’re a purist who prefers the scratch of an old record or someone constantly looking for rejuvenation, this week’s prompts build on the idea of remastering, asking you to take inspiration from tales old as time and put your (modern) spin on them.

⭐️ Shortlisted

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How to Write a Novel

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How to Write a Novel
Prompts | Big Blue Hand | 2024-11

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