Zelda Crist
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2021
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2021
Submitted to Contest #152
Submitted to Contest #100
Submitted to Contest #98
I've been writing since I knew what words were. My first short story was a rip-off of the Wizard of Oz, with 'Dorothy' being replaced by a mouse who enters an alternate dimension by leaping through a hole in the side of a slide at a playground. Things got a little more serious from that point on. Human nature is a topic which I find both endlessly fascinating and paralyzingly terrifying. In my stories I use characters, settings, themes, and motifs to amplify and analyze symptoms of the human condition. If I do my job correctly, readers will find themselves first intrigued, then engrossed, then uncomfortable. Of course, if I get bored I could always go back to rodent fairytale parodies.