I breathe words and dream worlds. I was born a storyteller but I didn’t realize it until much later on. Although, I was an avid talker and story weaver since birth, and started writing as soon as I knew how, at first mainly short stories about princesses and princes during my childhood, vampires during my teenage years, depressive poems during my young adult years, and crazy random beginnings of books during my 20’s, I still didn’t recognize that it was my dream to be an author. So, I wandered. I dropped out of a Biology and Geology degree after 2 years, then I studied Architecture for 6 years which I ended up quitting too due to overwhelming pressure and anxiety. Disillusioned with university, I decided to find a job, working the next four and half years in a British company, which improved my English immensely, if nothing else. I suffered from a crippling depression by the end and was let go, which ended up being one of the best things that happened to me, even though it was so hard to overcome. As you can tell, I have suffered from anxiety and depression from an early age. Still trying to find my place and a future I ended up in a fashion design course and even went to London to study for a month, but it didn’t stick as much as I liked it. Portugal is not the best country for artists, and I needed a paying job, so fashion wasn’t the end game for me, but it was when I was studying it that I suddenly knew that storytelling was my biggest talent and where my dreams had always been. I would be an author. Regrettably, my mental health and life trajectory until then caused me to struggle with the fear of falling, the procrastination due to it, the giving up, which seemed the only thing I could effectively do, made it very hard to pursue my dream effectively. So even after I had found my dream it still took me many years to get to where I am now. I can’t regret my journey here, as I am what I am due to it, but it saddens me sometimes that I didn’t realize sooner I wanted to be an author, even when writing and reading were my main escapes through it all. But, I am here now! Hope you are not discouraged by this rant, and that you stick with me. I have countless stories to tell and I can't wait for you to read them 🖤