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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2020
Submitted to Contest #97
It was nearing midnight in the desert. The sky was clear and the stars shone softly. Lisa was on the outskirts of Tucson, a few miles from the edge of the city. There was much less light pollution here, and no buildings to obscure her view of the sky. Tonight was supposed to be the night. The news had sent warning of possible debris reentering the atmosphere, and she was not going to miss it. She sat on her dirtbike, ready to go at a moment’s notice. She had brought snacks, but she was too anxious to eat. The chirping crickets and the distan...
Submitted to Contest #96
Arthur had made a big mistake. He had left Bismarck in a hurry, trying to reach Carson as quickly as possible. His wife was there at home, and she had been 7 months pregnant when he left for the big city. He had been gone for 3 weeks. He had packed light for the journey back, not thinking that the light snow would impede him from being present at his child’s birth. He was wrong. A few hours in, the snowfall thickened and the wind picked up. At first, it was an inconvenient delay, but soon he was barely able to see 100 feet ahead and his hors...
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