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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2024
Submitted to Contest #279
Best-selling author of the New York Times, whose work has been adapted into award-winning movies, has chosen hers in a pool of random names. Safi was about to have lunch with an icon! This had to be her lucky day of the year.When they took a seat at a booth in the café, Safi opened up by singing her praises. Telling Veronique how much she admired her work and that how it changed her, a real sucker this girl. “I’m glad you feel that way,” said Veronique. “As I’m honoured by the compliments. But something tells me you didn...
Submitted to Contest #272
2:59 PMNever could I have ever made more fun discoveries during my time alive. Turns out, witches do exist. Though here, they prefer the term ‘enchanter’. Don't see the difference, but hey; if the lady wants to be called that, Ima do it. After all, she is helping me. I left her kiosk with a precious pendant in hand and will be using it soon. When the sun sets and darkness falls. After they’ve buried what was left of my physical form. They’ll lay on my fresh sheets, feeling safe in the comfort of my house. I’ll come knocking on the doors like...
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