Tom McGuire
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2020
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2020
Submitted to Contest #65
Submitted to Contest #60
I am recently retired from a long career at U.C. Berkeley where I served as Program Director of certificate programs in the Extension Department. Since my retirement, my wife and I have been traveling around the country visiting national parks and many old friends we hadn’t see in years. I am a writer with several non-fiction publications to my credit, and amateur photographer, with voluminous content on Facebook and Instagram. I also publish several blogs, including my top three: a hiking blog going back fifteen years (@ gambolinman.blogspot.com); a birding blog begun eight years ago (@ berkeleybackyardbirdblog.blogspot.com); and a blog begun this year on inventive word games and puzzles of my own creation (@ brainwrack.blogspot.com). Currently, as our road trip has temporarily ground to a halt, my wife and I are living in Santa Fe, New Mexico where we are both working on writing short stories.