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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2019
Submitted to Contest #105
Joanna versus Cooper. Cooper versus Joanna. On the most special occasions: Cooper versus Joanna and Vivian. Note that I do not come first even when I am mentioned, because I am simply the sense behind Joanna’s operations. I am on call if needed, watching the unfriendly competition with bursts of prank battles. Prank battles that turn to prank wars. And wars have a knack for getting out of hand.But that’s where I come in. Joanna is ambitious, with the tendency to think two days after she acts. So when she tells me her ideas to bring Cooper do...
Submitted to Contest #75
I watch her sleep.And I watch her sleep some more. And she continues to sleep. Holy mackerel! Well, mackerels aren’t holy, but, wowzers! Is this girl gonna sleep all night? Hurry it up lady, you may be mortal, but it’s not like you need eight hours of sleep.Wait a second. I look it up, only to find that indeed, mortal humans need around eight hours of sleep.***So, four hours later, why is this girl still asleep? She stirs.Then she starts snoring again.Call me impatient, but I got other peeps to take, so clearly I need to asser...
Submitted to Contest #74
August 12, 4:03 pm:Hello, your payment has been processed, and your shipment is on its way! You can track your order below.Electronic details submitted by shipper, expected delivery date is August 18. August 13, 5:01 am:Rodney loaded the last of the boxes and letters into the van, already feeling hot in the summer sun, which rose and set at unearthly hours. He put his water bottle to his lips, and when he finished drinking, there was a brown box right in front of him. Chuckling at his near mistake, Rodney put the package in the passenge...
Submitted to Contest #55
[The following is no longer based on actual events]“You know,” Said Numa’s doppelganger, “Your great great grandmother used to suck more than you.”“Harlee? But I heard that she died at twenty-eight,” Original Numa coughed, still feeling the effects of her cold.“Exactly.”Numa II did not offer any further explanation, leaving Numa even more confused than when she first saw her second self. The two Numas were dissecting the source of Numa the First’s suckage.“So maybe, if I wear my black shirt with-” Numa started.“Ney!” Numa II exclaimed, cutti...
[The following is based (very loosely!) On actual events. Any relations to persons living or dead is completely uncoincidental.] “Hey Numa, you sound kinda sick,” Devon told Numa. “Yeah,” Numa coughed, “That’s why I wasn’t here yesterday.” Devon frowned, “Yes you were. We took that big math test and we talked about how hard it was.” Numa looked at Devon with an arched eyebrow. “Nope!” She croaked, “I was at home all day yesterday, watching the Weather Network. I’m taking the test today after school.” Numa shook her head and continu...
Submitted to Contest #48
My hands shake and I can feel the bags growing under my eyes by the second. I go over my answers once, then twice, then check the bubbles to see if they are filled in correctly. Sighing, I see that the bubbles match the correct answers on my test and look up to see that there are still five minutes left. I start to check my answers again before my eyes start to blur over, and all I see are degrees and multiplication signs. I give up! I never want to hear SOH CAH TOA again! I think. My chair makes a satisfying honk as I scoot it away ...
Submitted to Contest #42
The box of Nutty Honey Zeros stare at me as I shovel the cereal into my mouth. I really wish that my mother had just bought the brand name Cheerios, but she said we should be saving money. I just really don’t want to fill myself up with Zeros before a big math test. The big Math Test. My brother always said, “Do your best and God will do the rest,” but I really don’t think it counts unless I actually do my best. I should have studied, but I started a Shreck marathon. It really isn’t my fault that there are so many movies. I finish my bo...
Submitted to Contest #40
The sunrays tickled Janie's eyelids as she began to wake up. She sat up and yawned gracefully, her auburn hair glistening. This is my final final exam! I’m ready! She thought with glee. Chemistry was Janie’s best subject and she wouldn’t miss the final event for the world’s supply of chickpeas. And she intimately loved chickpeas.Janie did her morning yoga, took a shower in cold water and in forty minutes flat, she was eating her breakfast of vegan french toast. Then, she grabbed her textbook and the keys to her BMW and started off to school....
It was a happy Saturday morning and as usual I was doing my arithmetic, sitting in the corner of my room. I looked up, just to glance out the window when I saw it. No, not the cloud in the distance that looked suspiciously like a funnel. But it was the monster underneath my window sill that nearly brought me to tears.My screams echoed around me as I hopped onto my desk, hoping it would protect me from the seen dangers. The monster didn’t react, it only twitched slightly. So now I’m on the phone, calling and calling my next door neighbor...
Submitted to Contest #39
As the orange dawn crept over the west horizon, Fabio slammed the snooze button for the third time. Then the fourth. Then the- Fabio decided the first day of school was a special day, so he got out of bed the fifth time his alarm rang. But Fabio did not know how special the day truly was.This year could be different, it’s fifth grade. Wanda and Maggie had bullied Fabio since the first grade and Fabio would prefer anything -anything- to being thrown in the recycling bin everyday during lunch. Or, at least he thought he would prefer anyth...
Submitted to Contest #34
I am very smart. My mother said so, so it must be real. Yesterday I said to her that I was born in the year 2209, because 2213 minus four is 2209. My mother applauded me, and said I was practically a genius. My father said I don’t even need to go to school, because I know everything there is to know. I live in Louisville, and I am very lucky because it is the end of a long string of cities, meaning I live near the sky. A few months ago, I discovered that if I sneak out of Louisville and walk through some scary electric lines and stuff f...
Submitted to Contest #25
Kaploomp!I sink into my desk chair.Sigh.The first day of school for 2020 and we already have homework. What is this nonsense? Honestly, somebody should have warned me that grade 6 is so difficult. I mean, really?! Twenty new year's resolutions in one night?This wouldn’t be so hard if I weren’t so perfect. 1- be more humble, my pen writes.“Holly?” my mother calls from downstairs.I hollar back that I’m doing homework. “Holly?!” she says again, louder.I guess the homework excuse won’t work this time. I yell that I’m coming in just a m...
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