I'm a 40-something-year-old veteran hailing from the state of Michigan. Writing has always been my passion, ever since I can remember, right along with swimming, dancing and cooking. Over the past decade or so, however, I struggled with several medical and mental conditions, depression and alcoholism included, combined with domestic abuse and homelessness and a few other personal issues that have distracted me from those things that used to bring me so much joy. Now that I am coming up on four months of sobriety and have a new lease on life, I am regaining new inspirations. This is my attempt to get back to my writing without having to do it alone. I am only hoping that I'm not so out of practice that my talent has become too stale. In any case, it's an honor to be a part of this amazing, talented community, and it's so nice to have more positive things to focus on! Happy reading, and here's to miracles, new beginnings and many more years to come!