Thea Clover

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2020

Author bio

I’m a new writer living in alameda California. Been without a laptop for a few years. I am just now getting back into writing . Trying to get my skills back up as I write and also attempt to publish books. I love this idea for this blog (honestly had this thought a few years ago lol) I am so glad that I get to play on this and also read other people work. Would like to meet other writer on here and maybe a publisher or two? What’s wrong with wishful thinking. I also make meditation candles that I sell on Etsy (the Crystal candles) and sell art through treadless (witchyshit) if you want a check me out there. Can’t wait to write more stories for all you. Just so happy to have an audience for my crazy ideas. I love this blog 10/10.