Hi, I'm Tay~
27 / Jamaica
I remember physically writing out my stories in a notebook in middle school and sharing it with my friends from week to week.
I got my start in the open world of writing as an avid consumer and creator in the fanfiction communities of Naruto and Naruto Shippuuden. It was there that I wrote a full length book, amassed a few thousand reviews, and really started developing my writing style.
Now, I want to take on the next challenge. Originals and shorts. I'm super impressed by all of the writers here, and I'm relying 100% on your support and feedback as I continue my journey sharing the stories I can see in my mind!
I genres of choice to write are usually romance, drama and slice of life, but I have always dreamt of taking my readers along on an epic fantasy!
Thanks for coming, and thanks for reading! I look forward to sharing more with you all!
Love, Tay.
PS: I'm actively seeking collaborators for short stories so contact me if you are even vaguely interested :). The least that could happen is we could become friends.
email: taymorbooks@gmail.com