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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2023
Submitted to Contest #280
“What the hell was that?”“What the hell was what?”“That whole thing with the air and the trees and the-”“Man, are you drunk?”“Ira, don’t piss me off.”“I just don’t understand what you’re talking about.”“My mother is the queen of gaslighting. This is not funny.”“I’m leaving now.”“Don’t just walk away from me.”“I can do as I please.”“I’ve known you for going on five years now and you’ve never told me you could do that.”“What are you talking about?”“Move out of my way.”“Not until you tell me what that was.”“Jason, I already said-”“Please. No mo...
Submitted to Contest #259
“So how was your day at work?” He asks me, placing a half drank cola in front of my carrots. He takes his unsanitizedhands, grabs a carrot from one of the small sections in my bento box, and dips it into my ranch cup. Only Mario can do something like this to me and I’ll actually accept it. “Did you drink half of the cola you just gave to me?” I snort a little, laugh caught in my mouth. I need him to know that I’m serious. He just laughs and pinches my cheek lightly. This boy is ridiculous, yall. “Yeah, I was thirsty.”“So what? You ...
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