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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2023
"Where am I?" I stood there and looked around as the room spun. I think I fainted, because I woke up, and I was in a different room. There were butterfly statues on the dresser and the pastel colored curtains lightly swayed in the breeze.I looked at the door, marked 'Exit', and then out the window at the pools and gardens. Maybe I'd stay here a while and relax until I got my bearings, and then I can.."Knock, knock", on the door. "Master Penelope?" a butler looking fellow peeked in, and then tiptoed across the room, placing a tray on the dres...
Submitted to Contest #255
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" I felt a kick in my side. I looked up into the eyes of Diablo, mastermind of the streets."Ohh," I started to whine. "Please you must leave me be. Pick on someone your own size, like a whale!" then I kicked and hit back. "Diablo winced in pain for a minute. Then he spat. "You're lucky I'm on my way somewhere or you be a meal in the dumpster for a rat!" he retorted."So then be on your way! Vite! Vite!" I tried to get up but couldn't. My fall I think had broke some bones."Eh." I rolled over and propped ...
I am okay I am a space traveler in this Zone and time frame
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