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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2024
Submitted to Contest #278
“Please, stay.” wasn’t said. “I’m sorry for hurting you.” wasn’t either. What started out as a pingpong of words turned into a tumultuous game of Scrabble-Padel. Both husband and wife ended up battered and bruised, as tensions reached mountain tops and neither willing to see the red in the other’s red eyes or the red drool dripping from the other’s blue and purple face. Whiplashed, both fell backwards to the ground, after a 2 hour battle neither conceded to. On the floor, they lay still and flat. Both had blacked out. When the tenuous ...
Submitted to Contest #248
I stare out the window to the burnt Ficus leaves wilting under the scorching sun as I rock my baby daughter who I have scooped up in my arms. The cooling wind of our ceiling fan blows from its lips and wipes all traces of sweat from our follicles. Once her eye lids comfortably sink into the cushions of her lashes, I gently lay her down onto her cloud-like mattress. I stare at her face for many minutes thereafter as she lies still, peacefully resting her innocent little soul. She squeezes her baby and sprints through the tumbling rubble. Lar...
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