Steve Kaye
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Feb, 2020
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Feb, 2020
Submitted to Contest #47
Submitted to Contest #43
Submitted to Contest #33
Submitted to Contest #32
Submitted to Contest #30
Submitted to Contest #29
Submitted to Contest #29
Submitted to Contest #29
“I love books. I always wanted my career to be somehow associated with books. My earliest aspiration was to be a writer. My high school English teacher appointed me the editor of the school newspaper and my dream was launched until my father informed me I was going to be a textile engineer and join the family business. My first job was selling technology in New York City. From there it was a seismic leap to Boca Raton and working for Cisco Systems. A rocky marriage to a covert narcissist presented two wonderful children and led me to exactly where I always wanted to land. I have written a manuscript and am getting ready to write a second. Like John Grisham, I write fiction from my surroundings and hope one day to be published.