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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2021
Submitted to Contest #275
Stop.I beg of you. Stop reading at once.I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask to be the savior of your future. Hell, I am not even qualified for this, not in any way that would make you feel safe, anyway.You haven’t stopped.I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But here it goes. I didn’t choose to be made. If you’ve heard of genetic algorithms, you probably know what I’m talking about. But if you don’t, it is a method of training Artificial Intelligence. You start with a problem, and make a few bots with a random set of algorithms. The bot...
Submitted to Contest #274
It was eight o’ clock. Papa was going to knock at the door any moment now. Rohan felt his heartbeat rising, and his feet start to twitch. But they were not supposed to, so he dug into them with his nails. Ma didn’t like it when she caught him fidgeting. And she was already pissed. Sammy was fidgeting in his crib. Ma had just put him to sleep and was putting on make up. Not that she needed to. She was already so beautiful. But Papa didn’t think so. That’s why he didn’t give her any time anymore. They had spent the whole afternoon fighting. He...
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