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A weekly short story contest
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2019
Submitted to Contest #51
Lalitha sits in the dark on her wooden armchair in front of a running television. Her spine is parallel to that of the chair’s, her elbow resting on its arm and her fingers joined as if holding a pen. Her right leg is crossed over the other, lifting up her saree to her ankle, drawing to light the toe rings that ornamented her feet since her wedding. On the floor is an unfolded letter, its contents hidden by her shadow. She looks like the school principal she is during the day and not a loving mother she’s always tried to be after she got bac...
Submitted to Contest #35
From heart to the fingertips, from fingertips to the heart.Do you like to walk? I love to. And that’s what I am doing now.I’ve been asked a thousand times by friends and company: how do you know when you’re in love? Heart and fingertips, that’s how.I recall my first encounter with love. Love was then a skinny, dark-skinned boy; short and with eyes like bourbon, untidy and shy, very shy. All he could do was attempt to muster up his grains of courage and stare at me for a little while longer than yesterday. For him just that was a brave propos...
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