Scott Muka
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2022
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2022
Submitted to Contest #135
I am a retired Forensic Structural Engineer and was a licensed Professional Engineer in ten states. After writing hundreds of technical reports during my professional career, I finally get the chance to write for fun. I am currently writing my first novel. (And just wrote my first story for Reedsy: Prompt Contest #135) I live on a protected wetlands/private lake and love nature and photography. I have 460+ nature photos you can see on Pixabay (pixabay/scottslm). I play guitar in a church praise band and have given guitar lessons. I live-trap and relocate large snapping turtles out of our lake because they eat the baby swans. Sorry for the overuse of the word "I" !!