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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Feb, 2022
Submitted to Contest #162
Warning: Contains blood, gore, and suicidal themesBlue sky above, woven like a cloth blanket to not only warm the body, but the mind and heart. It laid its comfort over my soul, spreading over my face to lure out a wide smile. And the sun, shrouded by the wall of high-rises to the right, still ensured that its presence was known by shining its light beyond the edges of the buildings, creating an angelic glow. I’m sure Laila felt the warmth too.She tightened one arm around my chest and pointed ahead. “Papá, it’s right there!”My gaze followed ...
Submitted to Contest #159
Raymond J. Marshall. Chances are you’ve never seen a man with a suit and tie like that, each seam tailored to a precise finish by lavish artisans and each fold ironed to a smooth halt by prestigious butlers. Whether he’s stepping into the headquarters of a Fortune 500 corporation or a skyscraper in Hong Kong, you can be damn sure that every CEO and every one of their lackeys has already turned their head towards him. What a life! From the second he left his mother's womb he was set, practically following the rich-asshole checklist to a T. A ...
Aspiring author with an immeasurable passion for creative writing and crafting stories.
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