Saloni Srivastava

Author on Reedsy Prompts since May, 2021

Author bio

Hey everyone! I go by the name Saloni Srivastava and from India. From my assorted thoughts to constructing them into something more meaningful, that's what writing does for me. I am usually more inclined towards writing poems but I would love to extend my boundaries more. Even though our decisions and ideas tend to be influenced by society and it norms, still my core belief lies in trusting our intuition and doing what we actually love. We for sure are surrounded and stuffed by facts on a daily basis which for the world seems to be constant in all aspects. Instead what I feel is that they are just mere opinions and views which changes or varies from person to person. We often forget that it isn't necessary to have a common viewpoint just because the majority believes in it. Rest assured, I hope this new journey will let us acknowledge, understand , experience the unveiled part of the world which is yet to be discovered. Regards, Saloni Srivastava :)